18 | Hanging out

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Komaeda and Hinata sat at the pool in the hotel. They figured if they weren't allowed to enter their home, they could at least have fun during it. Komaeda was sitting on the edge with his feet in the water. Hinata grinned and splashed him.

"Hey! Now I'm all wet!" Komaeda complained.

"That's the point!" He dragged Komaeda into the water.

"Aaah! Blub blub blub... oh no... I drowned..."

"Your head isn't even underwater..."

"As an apology, you have to carry me back to our room later,"

"That's not a punishment!" Hinata splashed him with water again. "I like holding you,"

Komaeda blushed. He felt butterflies in his stomach.

"I like being held by you..." He smiled slightly.

"Can I kiss you?"


Hinata pulled him in for a kiss again. He was so in love.

"Kyaaaaaa!" A scream could be heard and then a giant splash was seen.

"Tsumiki-san!" Komaeda gasped. He swam towards her, worried. "Are you alright?"

"Oh no... I landed between your legs..." She whispered, embarased.

"No, you didn't?"

"I-I'm so sorry,"

"You're not even touching me,"

"Please punish me if you wish! You can do anything to me!"

"Shut up, Tsumiki..." Hinata rolled his eyes, but Komaeda disagreed.

"No!" He shook his head. "I did the same thing once, didn't I? And you didn't judge me for it,"

"I guess that's true..."

"Exaclty! You supported me so I want to support her!"

Tsumiki tilted her head. "Support?"

"Mhm! We'll get you a therapist, alright?"

"Ahahaha, actually I'm fine! Bye bye, you two!" She nervously giggled and left.

A few days later, they were allowed to go back home. It turned out the one who put the bomb there was the butler who had tried to hurt Komaeda and then got fired. He was trying to get revenge, but went to jail instead.

It was a hot night, so Komaeda only wore a tank top and boxers. He was sleeping in Hinata's room almost every day now and this was no different.

Hinata sat on the bed, only wearing shorts. Komaeda blushed.

"Hinata-kun, put on a shirt! This is... unwholesome!"

"I'm hot though..."

"Hmph, fine." He crossed his arms and sat down on the bed. "Lucky you, getting to sleep shirtless,"

"You can take off your shirt too,"

"No way!" Komaeda shook his head.

"Then don't complain to me about being hot. Now let's sleep." He gently pushed Komaeda down onto the bed and laid down next to him.

The next day, they both went to the zoo and Souda tagged along.

"So, you got a boyfriend now, huh?" Souda whispered, approaching the elephants.

"Yeah. Jealous?"

"Absolutely. I mean, I don't want a boyfriend. I want a girlfriend. I'm not gay! I'm straight. You know how it is-"

Hinata pat his back. "I get it,"

"Souda-kun, look!" Komaeda called out, grabbing his hand. "There's a baby elephant!"

"Where? Where?!" Souda yelled, running towards him.

"Over there!" Komaeda pointed at it. "It's so adorable!"

"Yeah, you're right!" Souda grinned.

"Heh, how cute," Hinata said.

Souda turned around. "Who, me?"

"No, dumbass! Obviously I mean Komaeda!" He yelled, face red.

"Hahaha! I know, I know," Souda laughed.

"Souda-kun is cute though," Komaeda stated.

"What was that?"

"I said you're cute,"

Souda blushed. "M-me? Really? Haha... thanks..."

"Hey, you never call me cute!" Hinata complained.

"You're not. You're more like... handsome,"

Hinata grinned. "I can live with that,"

"Hey, Komaeda?" Souda asked as they kept walking. "Were you popular in school?"

He shook his head. "Not really, no. At least, not with the other students,"

"What do you mean?"

"The teachers liked me," He said.

"The teachers? Were you some kinda nerd?"

He put a hand to his chin. "I guess you could say that. I was pretty good at every subject,"

"I see. How lame." He laughed.

"I suppose I was rather lame. I had no hobbies or thoughts of my own,"

"Were you that invested in school?"

Komaeda nodded. "Pretty much,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now