22 | Touch

196 9 20

Two chapters in one day because I'm so generous.
Tw: SA, P//dophilia

Komaeda watched as the coffin was put into the ground. It was raining and he was the only one there. He stared at the coffin blankly, not knowing how to feel. He just didn't know. He had no idea if he felt happy or sad.

After a while, he left again and called a taxi to pick him up. He got inside and sat down.

"Good day, sir," The driver said.

"Good day,"

"How was your day?" He asked, trying to make small talk.

"I went to a funeral,"

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss,"

"I'm not sure if it was a loss. I know that sounds terrible, but... he was a really bad person,"

"I don't know you or the man who passed away, so I won't judge your situation. Want to tell me what he did?"

"Have you heard of the case of Young Hopes Academy?"

"That butler school with the pedo teachers? Yeah, it was in the news,"

"He was a teacher there. I was a student. I... dated him for a few years,"

The driver looked irritated. "Jeez. I'm sorry that happened to you. Haha, not really what I expected to hear,"

"If you don't want to talk about this kind of stuff, that's okay,"

"No, it's fine. Tell me about it if you want,"

"Suzuki-sensei broke out of prison to... frankly, I don't know what he wanted to do to me, but he came to my house. I called the police and he got run over while he tried to resist the arrest. The thing is... he was bad, but... I really did think I was in love with him, so... I just don't know what to think of this,"

"That must be a tough place to be in,"

"I thought I had recovered from all the experiences I went through, but lately I keep having nightmares and feeling as though somebody's touching me when no one's there,"

"That kinda stuff happens. I had a buddy who got beat by his dad a lot. He went to therapy and felt better, but he still has nightmares sometimes. Keep going to therapy and recovering, yeah? We're there by the way,"

"Oh, thank you. I'll do that." He smiled. "Have a good day, sir." He left the car and went inside the house. He sat down on his bed and stared at the wall.

"Come here, doll,"

"Hey, we need to practice,"

"I love you, Komaeda-kun,"

"I would never hurt you,"

"You're so cute,"

He could hear Suzuki's voice.

He could feel him. His hands. His hands on his face, his legs, his waist, his chest, everywhere. He could feel it on the outside and on the inside. The warmth, the pain, the tears. He could feel and remember it clear as day.

He could feel the ropes around his wrists, the duct tape on his mouth, the kisses on his chest, his teacher violating him.

Komaeda gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He had enough of this! He had enough of the nightmares, the tears, the pain and the memories! He was his own person and he wanted to make his own choices! He wanted to be able to choose who got to touch him and who didn't.

He walked into Hinata's room. The brunet looked up from his computer. "Hey there. Where were you?"

"Can you please touch me?"


"Please. I want it, I promise,"

Hinata sat down next to him on the bed. "You, uh... are you sure?"

He grabbed Hinata's hand. "Are you okay with it?"

"Uh... yeah,"

Komaeda put Hinata's hand on his chest. They didn't do much. They didn't kiss or take off their clothes or anything like that. Hinata didn't even move his hands when they were touching Komaeda. He just placed them wherever Komaeda wanted him to place them.

"Uhm, my arms please,"

"Yeah, sure. Why do you want that right now?"

"Because I... want to feel nice touch. I want to be touched by someone I trust and someone who loves me. You're the only one allowed to touch me, okay?"

Hinata nodded. "Alright,"

"Now please stop touching me,"

Hinata retracted his hands.

Komaeda smiled. "You actually listen when I want to stop,"

"Of course I do,"

"Why aren't you like all the others? Wh-why aren't you hurting me? I-it's weird, being loved without any pain or punishment,"

Hinata grinned. "You better get used to it, because I'm not gonna hurt you,"

"Not ever?"

"Not ever."

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now