25 | Festival | Last chapter

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Thank you all so much for reading! I'm sad to finish this story, but there's no point in writing more when all the conflicts have been solved and there's no more plot. Thanks for all the nice comments, I enjoy reading them, even if I don't reply to all of them!

The doorbell rang and Komaeda went to open it. There stood a man with purple hair. He looked unfriendly.

"You must be Tsumiki-san's father,"

"Oh, she told you about me? Then, can you let me in?"

"No, she doesn't want you here,"

"Nonsense, I'm her father. Let me in,"

"No. Go away." He crossed his arms. The man walked closer to him, trying to be intimidating.

"Let me in,"

"Step away," Komaeda hissed.

"I have a right to see my daughter!"

"You do not. She has a right to refuse your visit,"

The man tried to push past Komaeda and go inside, but the white-haired man closed the door. "Oops. Looks like we're stuck outside,"

"You little-!"

"Don't yell. It's annoying,"

He gritted his teeth and grabbed Komaeda by his hair.

"Let go of me or you'll regret it,"

"Open the door!" He shouted.

"Let go,"

"Not until you open the door!"

Komaeda reached into his pocket and pressed the button on his Keychain that activated the house's security system. The alarm went off and security guards stormed outside, grabbing Tsumiki's father.

"You asked for it,"

Tsumiki was really grateful to Komaeda and he was glad he was able to help her. They hadn't been on good terms, but he wanted to become friends with Tsumiki.

That evening, Hinata wanted to go to a summer festival with Komaeda and some of his friends. The pale man was quite excited. He had even bought a Yukata for the occasion. He had never worn any type of Kimono before, so he was really happy he finally found an occasion to wear one.

Tsumiki helped him put it on. Apparently her mother taught her how to do that when she was a kid.

Komaeda left his room, nervous. Was this too much..? He knew people sometimes wore Yukatas to these kind of festivals, but what if Hinata would get too ashamed to go out with him? He shook those thoughts out of his head. Hinata was kind! He wouldn't do that.

Just then, the brunet left his room. He was wearing normal clothes. "Hey." He smiled. "You look really nice. Maybe I should've dressed up too." He chuckled.

"I think you look good like that, no worries." He kissed Hinata's cheek.

They left the house to meet with Hinata's friends at the festival.

"Hey there, bro! And bro's boyfriend." Souda grinned brightly. "I missed you guys,"

Hinata then went on to introduce his friends to Komaeda. "They're Kuzuryuu, Nanami, Smith, Sonia and Tanaka,"

"Nice to meet you all!" Komaeda smiled.

"Komaeda-san, I've heard a lot about you! I must say, your Yukata is quite beautiful. I just love the Japanese culture." Sonia smiled warmly.

"Oh, thank you,"

They walked around and bought some things. The food was delicious and they had a lot of fun.

"Komaeda-san?" Smith asked.


"You seem familiar. Have we met?"

"Hm... are you a taxi driver?"

"I am. Oh! You're that guy! I remember now!" He smiled. "It's nice to see you again. Are you feeling better now?"

"I am, yes. Hey, have you ever had crêpes? They sell them over there." He pointed at the place they sold them.

"Yeah, they taste good. Do you wanna go buy one?"

"Mhm!" Komaeda smiled. Both men then went to get crêpes.

Later, they all sat down at the beach to watch the fireworks. Komaeda put his head on Hinata's shoulder.

"I love you, Hinata-kun..."

"I love you too,"

"Stop being so damn romantic in front of me!" Souda yelled.

"Be quiet, Souda-kun," Nanami said.

"But it's so unfair! I'm still single!" He cried.

Smith rubbed his back. "You'll be okay. I'm sure you'll find the love of your life one day, just like they have,"

Both Komaeda and Hinata turned red, but he wasn't exaclty wrong. As Hinata held his boyfriend close, he knew he was the love of his life.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now