24 | Groceries

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Komaeda was shopping for groceries with Hinata's father. Hinata didn't need his help right now, so he had offered to go with Mr. Hinata.

"Hinata-sama, what else do we need?"

"Milk, shampoo for Hajime and... donuts? I wonder who put that on the list,"

"I see. I'll go get that stuff!" He said and then left. Komaeda came back with the stuff they needed and saw a bunch of women flirting with Mr. Hinata.

"Hey, really-" He nervously chuckled. "-I'm married. Besides, you guys are way too young,"

"We're twenty!" A woman said.

"Well, I'm not. Have a nice day." He began to walk away.

Komaeda titled his head and looked at the women. "Why did you guys wanna be with him so bad?"

"He's a dilf,"

Komaeda's eyes widened and he left without saying another word. He caught up to Hinata's father and handed him the groceries.

"Don't worry about those girls," He told Komaeda. "They know I own a company, so they want to date me for my money. I don't know if you noticed, but the same thing happens to Hajime and his mother,"

Komaeda nodded. "Mhm, I was wondering about that,"

"Speaking of Hajime. You guys have gotten closer lately, haven't you?" He asked.

"Uhm, yes. Hinata-kun and I are friends,"

"Friends? To me, it seems like there's more than that going on,"

"...best friends?"

"More like boyfriends. Is my assumption correct?"

Komaeda nervously nodded.

"I'm not upset. But I realize that you're Hajime's butler. Do you actually love with or are you with him because you're scared you'll loose your job if you reject him?"

"No, I truly do love him,"

"Alright." He nodded. "Then that's okay. Feel free to tell me if Hajime ever causes problems or makes you uncomfortable. I know about... what happened to you in your past. Hajime would never intentionally hurt an innocent person, but... he can be very blunt and I know that scares some people off,"

Komaeda giggled. "I know. I don't mind that though,"

"Good then." He smiled and paid. Both men then left the store and drove home. Komaeda entered Hinata's room.

"Hi-na-ta-kun!" He sang. "I'm back! Did you miss me?"

Hinata didn't reply. He just sat on his chair, facing the computer.

"Hinata-kun?" He walked towards him. Then, he noticed that Hinata had fallen asleep at his desk. Komaeda smiled. He looked so peaceful. He wasn't strong enough to carry Hinata to his bed though.

An hour later, Hinata woke up to a nice smell. The door opened and Komaeda walked inside, carrying a plate of food.

"Huh?" Hinata yawned. "Oh, thanks, babe,"

"No problem. By the way, your dad wants to know if you're the one who wrote the donuts on the grocery list,"

"Yeah, that was me. They're for you,"

"Ah, thank you!" Komaeda hugged him. "You're the best!"

"No, you are." Hinata kissed his forehead.

"Nope, you!"

"You are the best,"

"You are!" Komaeda insisted.

Hinata cupped his cheeks and squished them. "You are."

Komaeda turned pink. "No, you!"

Hinata stood up. "You are the best." He kissed his lips. "Just accept it, babe,"

Komaeda hugged him. "You're so nice to me... You're the best,"

"I just told you-" The brunet was interrupted when Komaeda kissed his cheek.

Later that day, Komaeda heard a woman crying from the room next to his. He knocked on the door and Tsumiki opened it.

"Tsumiki-san, are you alright?"

She shook her head and sniffled. Her crying sounded genuine this time. It wasn't her usual 'waaah', she actually sounded upset.

"What happened?"

"M-my dad called me..."

"Did he give you bad news or something?"

She shook her head again. "H-he said he's gonna visit me. He's m-mean... I don't want him here..."

Komaeda nodded. "When will he come here?"

"T-tomorrow at 10 a.m.,"

"You can let me handle it, alright?"


He smiled. "Mhm. There's no need to be scared,"

Tsumiki hugged him. "Thank you!"

"Oh... no problem,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now