19 | Bath

183 9 15

A scene from the original story is here (written differently of course) let's see if anyone finds it!

"Komaeda... we can't cuddle when I'm shirtless,"

"What? Why not?" He asked, dissapointed. It was a hot night again.

"You said yourself this was unwholesome or whatever,"

"But... we aren't doing anything unwholesome. I know it's a bit embarrassing, but... please? I really wanna cuddle,"

Hinata turned away from him.

"So mean..." Komaeda accidentally rested his face against Hinata's back, making the brunet turn bright red. He grabbed Komaeda's arms and pressed him down on the bed.

"We're not gonna cuddle, give it up,"

Komaeda looked up at him, frowning. "Fine..."

The door suddenly opened and Tsumiki walked inside. Both men blushed.

"It's not what it looks like!" Hinata yelled.

"It totally is," Komaeda said.

"What the-?! It isn't!"

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Why are you even here?!"

"I-I... uhm... w-wanted to talk to you, Hinata-san,"

"Well, I'm kinda busy. Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Y-yeah... I can see that you're busy,"

"I said it's not what it looks like!"

"It is!" Komaeda said. "Hinata-kun's mean really mean to me,"

"Ah, uhm... I see. Do you need me to help you? I-is he hurting you? I-I can give him lots and lots of shots!"

"No!" Hinata yelled, letting go of Komaeda and sitting up.

"B-but... is it what it looks like or not?" Tsumiki asked.

"It isn't!"

"It is! He's stopping me from hugging him,"

"Ahh. Yeah, that's... that's what I thought was going on. Totally." She left after that.

"Do you seriously not get what it looked like we were doing?" Hinata asked.

"Hm... what did it look like to you?"

"Don't act so innocent! It looked like we were doing... you know... the mattress mambo,"

Komaeda laughed. "You pervert!"

"I'm not a pervert! You're the one who wanted to put his face on my bare chest,"

"Lalala I can't hear you!" He covered his ears.

"That's it!" He grabbed Komaeda and pushed him down onto the bed.


He began to mercilessly tickle him.

"Hey, stop it! Hahahaha!"

Komaeda was ticklish basically everywhere and Hinata used it to his advantage.

"No, this is your punishment!"

"Stop iiiiit!" He kicked his legs around.


"Hahahaha! Have mercy!"

"Absolutely not. You're laughing an awful lot for someone who wants me to stop!"

"You're gonna break me! Ahahaha!"

"That's the plan!"

After a few more minutes, Hinata finally stopped. "You monster..." Komaeda glared at him.

"I love you too,"

Komaeda crossed his arms and pouted. "Hmph!"

"Don't 'hmph' me,"


Hinata kissed his cheek. Komaeda blushed. "Mm... I love you too..." He hissed.

The next morning, Hinata wanted to take a bath, but Komaeda kept clinging to him.

"Come on, let go,"

"Noo... I don't wanna..."

"What, do you wanna bathe with me?" He asked.

"No! Stop being so blunt!"

Hinata went to the bathroom with Komaeda holding onto his arm. "I need you to let go now,"

"I don't wanna... I wanna cuddle,"

"Well, I'm taking a bath now. Either you let go or you bathe with me,"

"Fine! But if you stare at me, I'm gonna-"

"Yeah, yeah." Hinata chuckled. Then, he put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not gonna stare at you, don't worry." He kissed his forehead.

They filled the bathtub and sat down inside. Komaeda sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I just... ugh..."

"What is it?"

"Stupid chest... I hate it,"

"Hey, don't say that. I think every part of you is nice,"

"I wish I looked like you,"

"I don't want that. You're really pretty,"

Komaeda looked up at him. "Do you mean that?"

"Of course. Your hair is beautiful and your face is cute." He cupped his cheeks. "I think you're a very handsome man,"

Komaeda smiled. "Thank you,"

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now