3 | Bar

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They entered the bar. Hinata brought his best friend, Souda. Komaeda's boyfriend had introduced himself as Suzuki.

They sat down and ordered drinks, but Komaeda only wanted a glass of water.

"Come on, doll, loosen up a bit. You never drink," Suzuki said.

"No, thank you,"

They kept drinking and everyone except Komaeda was drunk after a while. A man approached the table and put his hand on the pale man's shoulder.

"Hey there. I think you're pretty cute. Can I buy you a drink?"

Suzuki smirked and stared at them.

"Ah, I have a boyfriend. Thank you though,"

"I don't see him," The man said. Komaeda pointed at Suzuki. "That old man? You could do so much better,"

"Well, I like him and I'm not going to cheat, so please leave,"

Suzuki wrapped his arm around Komaeda's shoulders. "No need. I don't mind at all,"

"See? He's fine with it,"

Komaeda shook his head. "I'm not interested..."

"What's rule number one, doll?" Suzuki asked.

The pale man looked down. "Never say no..." He whispered. Hinata and Souda were talking, so they didn't notice any of this.

"Right. Now then, how about we go to the bathroom and I watch you practice with this gentleman?"

"I... uhm..."

Hinata looked at the butler. "Is that guy bothering you?" He asked.

"I've been trying to get him to leave, but he just won't go away," Suzuki told him.

Hinata nodded and then turned towards the man. "Leave him alone, asshole. He's not interested,"

The guy rolled his eyes and left. They went back home soon after that. Suzuki and Souda got a Taxi while Hinata and Komaeda walked home.

"Hinata-sama, you should probably drink some water,"

"Yeah yeah..." Hinata yawned. "Whatever you say. Good night, Komaeda." He walked towards his room. Komaeda bowed down.

"Good night." Komaeda entered his own room and changed into his sleeping clothes. He then went to bed.

The next day, he was cleaning the living room while Hinata worked. Tsumiki walked into the room, carrying a bunch of papers. Then, she tripped.

"W-waaah! I'm sorry!"

Komaeda looked at her. "You clearly have no passion for your work at all. A true servant overcomes their clumsiness before they apply for a job,"

"Please forgive m-me!"

"I'm not mad at you, but you should be. It truly is dissapointing to see someone not trying at all,"

"I-I'm so sorry!" She began to pick up the papers.

Komaeda shook his head and sighed. He saw her stack the papers and walked towards her "You cannot just put them into a random order." He grabbed the stack and, in a matter of seconds, reorganized it. "That should be good enough for now." He gave it back to her and continued his work.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now