17 | Boyfriend

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Komaeda hadn't had nightmares or panic attacks in a while now. He stood up for himself to Togami and he didn't always think Hinata had bad intentions when he did something nice for him. The pale man smiled to himself. Had he recovered now? It sure felt like it.

"Be careful, Tsumiki-san, that stuff is expensive," Komaeda said as he watched the maid almost trip while holding a tray with dirty cups in her hands.

"Y-Yes!" She nodded and kept walking slowly.

Komaeda stacked dozens of plates on top of each other and brought them into the kitchen. "They have to stop leaving the dishes in the living room..." He sighed and put them into the dishwasher. Suddenly, the door of a drawer broke off and fell onto the floor.

"Hm?" He tilted his head. "What a shame. Guess I gotta fix it..."

He crouched down and began to fix the door. He noticed something rather strange inside of the drawer. Komaeda gasped in shock.

"What the hell?!" He ran into the office of Hinata's father. "Hinata-sama, there's a-"

"I'm busy, Komaeda-san,"

"There's a bomb in your kitchen!" He shouted.

"A bomb?!" He shrieked. "I'll call the police, you make sure to get everyone to leave the building!"

"Yes, sir!" He ran into the break room and told everyone to leave. Then, he looked for Hinata and his mother. After he found them, he told Tsumiki and all the other workers who weren't on break right now.

The police had already arrived when everyone had left the building. They were told to look for a place to stay while they deactivated the bomb and investigated the case.

Hinata's family paid for hotel rooms for everybody. Komaeda and Hinata shared a room "in order to save money".

The pale man sat down on the bed. "How annoying. I thought today was gonna be a good day,"

"At least you noticed it before we all got blown up. Good job,"

"It was pure luck, but thanks." He sighed and fell back onto the bed. "I actually... wanted to tell you something important, but... right now isn't the time for that, huh?"

"Why not?"

"I guess I can if you want to. I, uhm... I think I'm alright now,"

"What do you mean?"

"We can... we can be together. If you still want to..."

Hinata smiled. "Of course I do!" He kissed his forehead.

"I'm so happy!" Komaeda grinned. "Then I officially have a boyfriend now! How awesome!"

"It sure is." Hinata cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now