4 | Fear

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Hinata knocked on Komaeda's door and walked inside after he was invited.

"Uh, hey. I found this glove in my room, but it's not mine. Is it yours?"

Komaeda was sitting at his desk. A bunch of printed out photos were laying on it. He looked at Hinata and nodded. "Yes, it is. Thank you,"

Hinata walked towards him and put it on his desk. Then, he saw the pictures. Most of them were of him and Suzuki. Komaeda wore a school uniform in most of them while Suzuki wore casual clothes.

"No problem. Uh, what are those pictures?"

"They're of Suzuki-kun and I." He stacked them on top of each other. "They're a bit old though,"

"How old?"

"Kyaaaaa!" A scream could be heard from outside.

Komaeda let out a sigh. Tsumiki was really starting to annoy him. Hinata rolled his eyes. "I don't know how she's still not fired..."

"Exaclty." Komaeda stood up and grabbed his feather duster. "A good butler must never break their master's belongings. That's rule number two. They mustn't cause more trouble than they do good. Rule number three. They must follow every single order they get. Rule number four. And rule number five, they must be ready to do anything they need to assure their master's happiness. Those are the five most important rules you need to follow to be a good servant!" He then did a pose with the feather duster, as if he was some kind of superhero or something.

"Yeah, uh... chill with that. What's rule number one, by the way?"

"Never say no,"

"That's a... stupid rule. You're allowed to say no if you wanna,"

"I'm nothing more than your butler. My opinions should not and do not matter to you. Saying no is very disrespectful and inappropriate. I would hate to make my masters angry. If I do... ah, there is another rule for that,"

"And what's that rule?"

"If you upset your master, you apologize. If they are still upset, you offer to let them take out their anger on you. If they are still upset, you offer your special service," Komaeda explained.

Hinata furrowed his eyebrows. "Special service?"

"I mustn't tell you. You will find out if you ever get upset with me, which I hope you won't,"

"It sounds weird. Can't you just tell me?"

"Ah, but rule number six... it says you must never ruin the surprise that is the special service. Hm... rule number one contradicts that though..."

Hinata sighed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's fine,"

"Komaeda-san!" Another butler called out. "Please go clean the windows!"

Komaeda opened the door. "It's your turn though,"

"You're better at it,"

"Still. I have other matters to attend. I do not have to clean them,"

"Well, it's not my fault you're so talented. You're good at it, so you gotta do it,"

Suddenly, Komaeda's eyes widened and he slammed the door shut. He turned around and saw Hinata standing in front of him. He began feeling cornered. "Please stop... please..." He whispered.

"Komaeda? Are you okay?" Hinata asked, walking towards him. Komaeda backed up until his back hit the door.

"P-please... I'm tired... not now, please!" He begged and Hinata had no clue what was going on. The brunet grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Hey, look at me!"

"Ple-please don't touch me!"

Hinata let go of him. "You gotta calm down, Komaeda!"

The pale man took a deep breath and sighed. "Apologies. I did not mean to freak out,"

"What even happened?"

"Nothing. I am fine. I promise, it won't happen again." He bowed down.

"If you say so..."

♡ I was made for loving you | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now