Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

Ladies and gentles welcome ms Murthy to Mumbai, a place where everyone comes to follow their dreams. Everyone be aware ahaha im physchotic I know.

I mean who announces their own arriving in a city like girl grow up nahh, I aint ever growing up bro, growing up if no fun like you have to work, and other things that I can't do.

I am so happy that I am sharing a room cause hopefully she will know what to do because boy I do not know how to turn the laundry machine on or how to use a vacuum.

"Nandini Murthy" I heard

"That's me" I said walking towards the bhaiya who called my. Name

Opps forgot to say, I was currently in line to get my room keys from the office.

"This is your key, you have 3 roommates"

"3" I asked


"Woahhh" I was so excited

"Now move" he said making me pout at him

Everyone just seems so weird and rude for no reason but who cares

I was dragging my suitcase and my other bag when my eyes fell on this guy whom I kinda recognized but he was in a group so I just made my way towards the rooms.

It was weird cause the dress the bhaiya gave me wasn't one of the dorms, it was a house. I was standing in front of a house,

"What in the gods name is happening, ayiappa yeh kya hai bhyi. I didn't think college gives full on houses to students, ayiappa tell me if this is a trap, bro I better not be getting kidnapped" I said looking up in the sky

"Holly shitt" I heard a voice making me turn around

A beautiful girl stood there with three suitcases, she was wearing these funky pants which were so cool

"Hi" I whispered

"Hey girl, is this the address they gave you" she asked

"Yes, I didn't know they gave students houses"

"Same, wait so like did they tell you we have 4 people living here"

"Ya which is also weird cause online I only had a single person"

"Wait are you Nandini" she asked

"Navya" I said and she nodded

"Oh my goshhhh yayayyaya" she said jumping making me giggle

"Im so excited" I said

"Same, my feet hurt" she said

"Come on lets go in" I siad

"Dude we were jus staring at the house hahha we look weird" she said as we walk to the door

I laughed using the key to open the door, it was squeaky clean and I loved that because I cannot live in a messy house.

"This is huge" I whispered more to myself than to navya bu she heard me

"Girl this is beyond huge, wait lets call dips on rooms" she said running in her heels

I followed her and the first room she saw she put her sunglasses on the bed

"Its mine cause I put my glasses" she said making me laugh

"Can I come help you choose yours" she asked and I nodded

We walked around and I saw this one room with a beautiful window and I knew I wanted that room because the rest of the rooms had tiny windows

"This one is it" I said and she nodded

"But this is connected to the other room" she said

I looked at her gaze and found the other room to be connected to mine through a door

"Ehh its fine but I love this window"

"Okay girl, lets bring our luggage up" she said taking her heels off and throwing them in her room

So her room was on the very end of the hallways then two other rooms and mine.

We unpacked for the next few hours and I kid you not navya is amazing, she blasted music so loud I could barely even hear my own thoughts.

I changed into shorts and a tank top after showering and setting up the bathroom with my stuff. So we had 2 bathrooms, one on the main floor and one on this floor. Navya said she liked the bottom floor bathroom more because it had a glass door but I liked the curtain so I took the top one.

Its weird cause we have already planned eveyrhting but our other 2 roommates aren't even here well to be fair college doesn't start till the day after tom.

"Navya" I yelled form my room


"Do you wanna cook something or should we get pizza" I asked

"Pizza, ill order" she said from her room

"Sounds Gucci" I said

I finished setting up my little book shelf which is kinda visible and I hate that. Like I thought about leaving all my books In my hand bag becasue a lot of them aren't jsut normal books they are umm romance and some well like 2 are erotica and I don't want anyone finding out

Well both those books have a discrete cover so maybe no one will know plus I put them behind the romance ones so we should be good.

It was 8 when the door bell rang, so I ran down and it was the pizza man


"Hi" he said

"Navya how many did you order' I asked seeing the man had 3 boxes

"1" she said

"Oh, umm hey so we only ordered one" I siad

he checked his phone or whatever and looked up at me

"Well I think they got the order wrong so you can take it"

"Umm sure how much" I asked grabbing my wallet from the table by the door

"Oh don't worry about it, I would have to throw it away anyways so take it"

"Oh my gosh thank you so much" I said and he chuckled bidding bye

"Its a pizza partyyyy" I yelled and navya ran down to the living room from upstairs

"I thought you hurt yourself" she siad

"Aww you care about me"

"Of course idiot, you are my small little child I guess" she said putting her arm on my shoulder

"Hey im not too short"

"Nah you aren't" she said falling on the couch

"So whats the plan" I asked eating

"What plan"

"Well we have to get groceries, and I need to ge bed sheets and stuff" I told her

"Right yes, I need to get sexy thongs" she siad making me almost spit out everything in my mouth as I coughed

"Relax" she said patting my back

Once I recovered from choking to death, no like literally I looked at her and her concentration was on the tv.

I didn't wanna reopen that conversation so I jsut silently ate while watching tv.

"Im gonna head to sleep" navya said

"Goodnight" I said and she ran up

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