Chapter 27

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When walked out of the office I saw her on the car. She was sitting on the bonnet of the car with her stuff. This girl was sitting on my car, not a single fuck given, she was munching on some chocolate

"Darling lets get off of here" I said picking her up

"Thank you" she said as I placed her in the car

"Manik you think we can go home"

"Of course, are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked

"No nothing's wrong, I jsut wanna finish homework plus I have to tutor you"

"Not math again"

"Its not too bad"

"Is it" I said

She rested her head on the seat closing her eyes so I knew something was wrong for sure.

"Nandini baby talk to me, what's going on" I asked putting my arm over closer to her

She clutched my arm holding onto it, I knew she was hiding something.

"I just have a bad headache" she whispered

"Should I give you a pill" I asked knowing I have some in the car

"No I can't swallow pills"

"Im sorry that I Brough you here, I didn't know you have a headache"

"I didn't have a headache until like maybe 10 minutes ago, but its fine" she said

"No, you are gonna get home and eat, take a pill, then you will sleep for a bit, it's only 4" I said

"No I'm fine manik"

"Nandini you are supposed to tell me when you aren't feeling well"

"But im okay, it's not too bad"

"Don't lie to me"

"Im sorry" she whispered gripping my arms tighter

"Are you sure it's nothing" I asked

"Umm I"

"Baby talk to me please" I was so worried becasue her face was draining blood

"I feel weird, like weak and faintish" she said

"Do you have your period" I asked and she shook her head

"Have you had this before"

"Not really, I mean when I get low on iron I get like this"

"Here munch on this" I said grabbing a protein bar from the little compartment

"No its yuck"

"Nandini have it" I said in a stern voice

She pouted but did start munching on it closing her eyes holding onto my arm.

We got home and I made her go change while I made us a salad with chicken and onions which she loves.

I Brought it upstairs to see her room empty so I walked into mine and there she was sitting in the middle of my bed with books everywhere, her hair up in a bun and she was wearing shorts and a random t shirt.

"Hi" she mummbled seeing me

"Hi love"

"Manik come on im about to study for math so we are stying together"

"We will but you have to eat first" I said

"You made me food" she asked

"Yes I did"

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