Chapter 30

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"Do you really think I don't care" he asked

"I don't know what to tell you Manik"

"You lied to me Nandini"

"And it was fucking for you, not to hurt you manik. God damit I know I messed up by lying to you but it wasn't like I committed a murder that you ended things the way you did"

"Nandini trust is eveyrhting and if you lie to me then"

"Then nothing manik, I lied okay and I got your point that you can't be associated with someone who lies to you so do not try and make this even more difficult for me" I told him trying not to break

"That's not what I said"

"You clearly said this was over because I lied and because I hurt you well guess what manik you hurt me too but I never held it against you so get over it. This what we had is done anyways so lets jsut be civil and cordial" I said

"You know we can never"

"Ya well give it a shot since you shut us down" I said inturpting him

"Just fucking listen to me without interrupting" he said grabbing my arms pulling me to him as he got up

"I am hurting just as much as you are Nandini" he whispered

I knew he was, I could tell by his face. He had bags under his eyes, he hadn't shaved so he had a stubble.

"Then why can't you just talk to me instead of walking away. You had promised me manik, you had said you would never leave me but you broke that promise. You said no matter what you'd be here for me but you lied to me. You threw me out like a used tissue, you didn't think once about what I might have gone through to get those texts from your dad no you didn't. I lied to you and I know it was wrong but was it so bad that you called it quits on me" I asked tearing up

"Baby I"

"No manik stop it, I can't do this right now. I am not gonna beg you to be the manik you were with me becasue if I beg I will be afraid of losing it again. For me what you and I had was beyond anything I have ever wanted or had so for you to end it like that it sucks and honestly I don't have any other words to describe what I feel"

"You are gonna shush for a few minutes and listen to me okay" he said and I nodded becasue this is how we talk, we communicate rather than pass statements and walk out

He picked me up throwing me over his shoulder carrying me into his room as if I weighed nothing like what. He placed me down on the bed and sat down in front of me

"Im sorry that I said it was over" he whispered

i did't say anything I just sat there looking at him.

"I couldn't understand how to process that he threatened you, and when I asked you a few times you lied so I got even more upset. I didn't want to say it was over it kinda just came out and when I said it I regretted it but I didn't know to come up to you and tell you that it was my fault and that I needed you. I jsut couldn't gather the courage and im sorry for that please don't do this. I am sorry, I made a mistake but please don't say you can't do this" he said looking down at his hands

"Can you assure me this won't happen again" I asked and he nodded

"How manik? Becasue if I have to lie again to protect you and your emotions I will but if every time that happens you will react like this and tell me it's over than I don't know what to tell you"

"No no I swear I will always listen to what you have to say before I react, I will never use those words again promise. I know I hurt you a lot but can we look past it jsut this one time please"

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