Chapter 15

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We got home super quick and we helped manik up to his room, I took his shoes and socks off putting it on the side.

"Im sorry" he whispered looking at cabir

"Tu pagal hai kya, I have told you not to go alone in the office but you don't listen to me and this is so messed up manik. why wouldn't you call me" he asked and manik looked down

"I didn't wanna bother you"

"You fucking asshole, I can't believe you said that. Bother me seriously"

"Im sorry" he whispered looking down

"What is your sorry gonna do, what if something happened to you?"

"Cabir relax, he is fine" I said

He took a few deep breaths and looked up at manik who started crying. I couldn't watch it I jsut couldn't I absolutely hated that sight

"Im sorry I couldn't think straight" he whispered

"Manik you can't do this to yourself over and over again"

"I tried cabir" he said

"It's okay, did you smoke" he asked and I was dreading this answer

"No, I don't have any on me"

"Did you throw them away" he asked manik

"Nandini took them" he said and I remembered I had thrown them away after that night

"Listen to me, I need you to calm down, and whatever happened forget about it okay"

"Cabir i"

"Shh you cannot cry like this"

"Cabir let him" I said and he looked at me

"He cannot keep holding stuff in, let him cry it out" I said and he got up walking to me

"Im gonna be downstairs, I need you to talk to him and call me if you need anything" he siad

"Can you order some food" I asked

"Ya, ill come up wth it when it's here" I nodded

he rubbing manik's back and hugged him, navya also gave him a slight hug and they both went down casing the door behind them

"Nandini" he whispered

"Han manik" I replied sitting beside him on his bed

"My chest hurts" he said lifting his hand up to his chest

I noticed how shivery his hands were

I pouted closer to him and rubbed his chest gently, he grabbed onto my other hand in his.

"Should we go to the doctor" I asked

He shook his head leaning on me.

"Kyu kartal ho esai" i asked

"I tried to calm down, I went to play basketball but it didn't work"

"Why didn't you call cabir or I"

"I couldn't see anything, I umm cabir called me and I don't know how he got to me but I tried"

"I know you did, I am so proud of you for trying, I really am manik"

"I am sorry that I"

"Shh I never want to hear you say sorry to me because you think I am bothered or disturbed. Do you understand that" I asked and he nodded

I didn't say anything else so a couple seconds later he looked up in my eyes and tears filled his eyes.

"Talk to me" I whispered

I guess thats all he wanted because he scouted over asking me to sit beside him. I moved and he put his head on my stomach wrapping his arms around me

"I am gonna die Nandini, I can't live anymore" he cried

It broke my heart hearing him say that.


"No no I can't do this anymore, you said not to smoke, cabir says not to drink than what do I do. what do I do not to feel like im dying, tell me Nandini. I listen to everything you say, I listen to cabir but you don't understand I am sinking. I can't do this, I jsut can't I give up" he cried in my stomach

"Manik you are so strong"

"I am not, I am telling you right now I can't do this" he said inturpting me

"Okay, then what is your plan" I asked caressing his hair laying back resting on the backboard

"I umm I am gonna give up" he said

"Okay, lets give up, but tell me one thing, what will you gain from giving up" I asked running my fingers down the back of his neck massaging softly



"But I can't break like this every time, I mess up cabir's schedules, I mess up his whole day becasue of it. I ruin it all, it is all becasue of me"

"It is not manik, you are looking at eveyrhting that has gone wrong but you are ignoring everything that is going right. You won your first match, and you did amazing on your midterm yet you focus on the wrong things"

"It hurts Nandini"

"I understand, but don't you ever say shit about dying or giving up"

"Then what do I do?"

"You live for yourself, push these things you have held in out. Talk to cabir, talk to me, jsut anyone but do not hold these feelings in, they will bundle up and overwhelm you"

"But you don't even know what happened"

"And I don't need to, all I want is for you to be happy, i  can't have you be in a state that I found you in. Manik I care for you and I genuinely mean it when I say I can't see you crying. You can break all you want, any time you want ill be right here to glue the pieces back stronger"

he clutched my t shirt tighter rubbing his nose on my stomach. I knew he understood everything I had said, he was jsut processing everything.

"Nahi sona ni hai abhi"

"Par kyu"

"Kyuki maine kaha isliye"

resting his chin on my stomach he looked up at me making me smile at him

"You won't walk away from me na"

"Never, not even if you ask me to" I teased

"Promise me that no matter how big of a mistake I make, no matter how fucked up in the head I get, you won't leave me"

"Nandini promise, I will not leave you"

he nodded, I leaned down and kissed the top of his head

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