Chapter 21

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We got to the party and as we walked inside I regretted coming here instantly, I wish I was in bed.

I put my hand over my mouth because the smell of horrible. Manik led us to the couch where only a couple people were sitting. There weren't many people there so I wasn't hating it totally

"Ill grab you something to drink okay"

"No I'm good, don't you have to talk to the captain"

"I do"

"Then go"


"Relax, I won't move. You'll find me here"

"Not what im worried about"


"Just text me or call me if you are uncomfortable" he siad


"Ill be back okay" he said and I nodded

He walked away and that nervousness and anxiousness was back to the point where it was stressing me out.

A couple seconds later navya came and sat with me, I knew Manik sent her, it was so cute of him and even navya to come and sit with me

My phone beeps an hour or so later, I looked at it and a smile made it's way on my lips.

'You look so good sitting there, add a smile please' Manik texted

I looked up and found his eyes on me, he was standing with a glass in his hand

'You don't look too bad standing there' I sent

'Are you flirting with me darling'

'Should I be flirting with you?'

'Umm well I wouldn't mind it'

I giggled looking up to see him smiling, ahh this man makes me so happy

'Then I am flirting'

'Nandini you will be the death of me' he texted and I looked up at him to see him walking towards me

Navya had left a couple minutes before manik started texting me so I was sitting alone blushing and being all giddy at his texts

"Hi muffin" he sat down beside me


"Come here" he said opening his arm

I moved my head on his shoulder cuddling into his arm as he wrapped his arm around my waist loosely pulling me even closer

"How was your talk" I asked

"Decent, he was going over how practice is gonna look like and about Friday's game"

"Fun fun"

"What did you and navya talk about" he asked

"Nothing really, you know she took me to this weird store"

"What store" he asked

"I can't tell you" I said biting my lip

I am so dumb for spilling it Jesus Christ

"Why not"

"Its bad"

"Come on tell me"

"Hey manik, you did so well in the game" a girl said coming up to us

"Thanks" he said

"So what are your plans" she asked sitting on the other side of him

"Not interested" he said

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