Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up hearing loud ass noises like I kid you not it was so freaking loud, I got up and wrapped a blanket around me stomping downstairs.

"Hello what is going on" I asked seeing the three of them

Well. You see Manik was on his phone but cabir was arguing with navya

"Yooo" I yelled and nothing

"Stoppppp" I screamed standing not he couch

They both looked at me and I took a breath falling on the couch beside Manik

"Please can we quiet down, im sleepy" I whispered closing my eyes again

"Nandini tell your friend to not open bathroom doors without knocking" cabir siad

"What?  i didn't see anything I swear" she said putting her hands up

"That doesn't mean you open doors without knocking"

"Dude you were in the shower, I didn't see anything, I swear I didn't hear you guys come in last night, I jsut thought it was nandu and I"

"How is that my fault" cabir asked

"Okay im sorry cabu, forgive me" she said and he smiled

"Ya it's fine, im sorry for yelling"

"Great perfect now shut up, im sleepy" I said

"Get up dude, we gotta go grocery shopping" navya said

"No no, let me sleep. I need to sleep, you sleep too come on" I said cuddling in between the cushions on the pillow

"Get your ass up pleaseee, these boys are no help anyways"

'Navya please im exhausted"

"Please nandu pretty please"

I opened my eyes and she gave me puppy eyes

"Fine fine, jeez don't give me puppy eyes" I said getting up

"Ahh" I screamed tripping over I don't even know

I knew I was gonna touch the floor and I was ready for it but when. Didn't feel the impact I opened my eyes and found Manik holding  me with one arm

"Thank you" I mumbled yawning

He moved his arm and I walked upstairs trying not to trip over anything. I had barely slept 4 hours and now I had to look and act awake.

I showered and put my hair in a lose high bun, I put on jeans and a huge sweater, well it was a medium but it looked so big on me

Its mine but I lost so much weight since ams passed away so ya but it's nice and comfy. I grabbed my wallet and phone walking downstairs to see cabir and navya talking about something.

My eyes fell on mr grumpy pants who had his legs spread across the couch like the man owns the place well okay he does but hello respect

I walked over and looked at him, he moved his eyes from the tv to me and I pointed at his legs but he didn't move them so I did the next best thing

I sat on top of his legs yup, but guess what he didn't even move his legs, he just spread them a little so my ass fell right in-between his legs

"You are one grinch" I told him

"I don't recall asking for opinions ms"

"Well I thought my opinion would be nice mr, since you can't seem to understand respect and mutual understanding"

"You don't either because I am not really interested in talking to your dumb ass yet you initiate conversations like my face says come talk to me"

"Ohh the grinch has attitude"

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