Chapter 19

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Navya leaned on the counter smirking at me making me raise my eyebrows at her

"Did ya;ll fuck" she asked

"Jesus Christ dude"

"What? Jsut making sure cause him kissing your head and that look he gave you before he walked there was umm a look" she said

"No we did not, he jsut slept in my bed"

"Like naked or clothes"

"Clothes" I said

"You sure"

"Ya he was shirtless"

"Ahhh am I gonna find hickies on him" she asked making me hit her

"Shut up"


"Cabir get your girlfriend" I yelled and she grabbed the spatula from me smacking me making me run

"You little witch" she yelled running after me

"Navya no na" I said running around the couch

"No no tease me more" she said

"I didn't even tease, you are his girlfriend" I said and she glared

"Shut up"

"Cabir isn't she your girlfriend" I asked

"She is"

"Cabirrrr shut up, I haven't told her yet" she said

"Woahhh wait whatttt"

"Im sorry I thought you two talked" he said giving puppy eyes to her


"You guys are dating" I asked sitting on the floor

I wasn't upset, I just thought they would tell me.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you yet, he asked me a couple days ago and we just haven't had time to talk. Im so sorry cutie" navya said hugging me

"Im not upset I jsut wanted to be the first one to know"

"Well you are because I'm sure these boys didn't talk about shit" she said

"Manik did you know" I asked and he looked down at me

"No I didn't" he said

"Okay then we good, ahh im so excited. Cabirrr"

"Yes I know you are excited. I brought you some chocolates too, they are in the fridge" he Sia d

"Ahhh you are the best" I said running to the kitchen

"Nandini breakfast first" I heard Manik but it was too late

I walked back to the living room with the chocolate in my hand munching on it


"Manik" I said and he shook his head making me chuckle

"So do you guys have plans for today" cabir asked

"Nope, wait you and navya are going out aren't you" I asked seeing their expressions

"We are which is why im asking cause we don't have school tom right because long weekend so there is this long weekend party for winning the game this Friday not that anyone needs a reason to party" he said making me giggle

"Ohh it'll be super fun" navya said

"Ya you guys have fun" I siad

"Nandini come on, you have to come"

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