Chapter 6

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Navya came down with cabir. We all headed out in cabir's car since manik was taking his car.

As soon as we got there I was stressed, I hate being around these many people and drinks and smoke makes me dizzy.

"No navya" I said when she left my hand but she didn't hear me, she was long gone

I looked around and everything was so new, I felt overwhelming almost like umm I was the odd one out.

I sat down on the couch where no one was, my heart was racing just being there, it felt like a panic attack but there were no other symptoms.

"Hey beautiful" I heard a voice making me cautious

This boy came with a drink and sat beside me a little too close for my liking so I moved away gently trying not to seem like I did it on purpose


"Im akash"


"Why are you sitting here alone"

"Umm well I came with a friend but she let me lose as soon as we got here" I said

"Oh thats unfortunate, why would she leave you alone"

"She loves parties and I am a person who likes to sit at home" he smiled

He had a pretty smile but I didn't feel comfortable with him, I jsut got weird vibes from him

"I totally understand, I used to hate parties too, but I have gotten used to them"

"Used to them" I asked

"Ya well you see I am a basketball player and we often have get togethers and stuff" he said sipping on his drink

"Oh, fun. how we're tryouts?" I asked

"How do you know about that? Usually girls don't give a shit"

I chuckled a little.

"My roommates tried out and oh they were making salads gross"

"Haha ya salads are kinda like the best or protein shakes" he Siad putting his arm around the side of the couch

"Protein shakes hmm they don't taste good do they" I asked moving away

"To me they do, but if you don't have them regularly then probably not"

"Umm nandini so what year are you in"

"First, you"

"First, damn wait you live in dorms right"

"No, well you know the houses"

"The ones owned by malhotra company" he asked

"Umm not sure, maybe but ya I live in one of those" I said

"Oh like away form campus"


"Oh that must be nice"

"Yup, super cool, I love the window I have" I said and he smiled coming closer

"Maybe I could come check it out some day" he siad and I giggled uncomfortably

"Ohh wanna see something super cool" he asked

"Sure" I said

He got up and gave me his hand but I got up without grabbing his hand. He walked outside the party and I followed him.

We got out of the party and I took a breath of fresh air but my face turned into a frown when he pulled out a vape.

he blew on it making some weird ass circle things with a smile on his face as if he was proud but god it was disgusting

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