Chapter 4

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The next morning my alarm went off and I didn't wanna get up so I kept snoozing it until navya came in and yelled at me to get up.

I walked to the bathroom and showered putting on wide legged pants and a crop top, it wasn't too cold today plus I had to look cute, it's the first day of school

"Navya" I called when I reached the living room

"Coming" she said

I grabbed some cereal for the both of us

"Are cabir and manik up" she asked

"Idk man, shit they are gonna be late" I said

"Go wake them up" she said

"I will wake up cabir but not that monster"

"Come on, he isn't too bad"

"Ya ya you say that until he is mean to you" I siad taking a bite of my cereal running up

I knocked on cabir's door

"Come in" he siad

I walked in and he was ready

"Great, I thought you were a sleep"

"Nah, manik and I went to the gym this morning so he should be getting ready too"

"Cool, cereal" I asked


"That idiot" I asked


I nodded coming down. I finished my cereal and grabbed my bag

"Navya ill see you in college just text me I gotta go"

"But ill come with"

"I know you wanna come with cabir so stay" I said running out

On my walk to campus, I couldn't help but notice many parents dropping thier kids making me emotional, I wish my parents were around but I know they are looking over me.

I quickly found my first class which was English, I mean it's fine but I am not a poet, I such at writing. I think my strong suit is maths, I absolutely love the numbers and how you literally can check your answers right away.

The class started and I swear I was trying y best to stay awake and boy was I failing terribly. The class ended and I jogged towards my other class which was chemistry.

As soon as I walked inside I spotted manik, a wide smile came across my face seeing a familia face. I saw the stool beside him was empty so I quickly sat beside him

"Hiiii monkey" I said and he looked over

"Hey thats my seat" this girl came up and said


"It's my seat, are you dumb? Didn't you see my bag" she said and I looked down to see her bag somewhere close to the seat

"Im sorry I didn't see it, can you please take that seat" I asked pointing at the one in front of me

"No bitch get off my seat" she said and my jaw dropped to the floor

"Don't call me that, and no I'm not getting off this seat" I said

"Bitch don't me drag you by your hair" she siad and that was it

"Try me" I said getting up

She charged towards me and I moved back not because I was scared, well who am I kidding I was scared. She could punch me dude, I am a weak human

"Dude I will complain" I said backing up into manik

"Jus get off my seat" she said banging her hand on the table

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