Chapter 22

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I walked upstairs to my room, as soon as I shut the door I fell on my bed groaning into a pillow. God dammit I just kissed Manik, well technically he kissed me, Manik kissed me on the lips.

I got up after a while becasue I genuinely was so so happy so I grabbed my clothes and quickly got changed. I put my hair in a low bun and found Manik on my bed when I came back. He was looking at my jar

"Hey baby what is in this" he asked holding the jar up

I was covered with a cloth so he couldn't see

"Umm it's fireflies"

"Fireflies oh thats weird"

"Why so" asked

"I don't know, I just umm I remember you talking to the jar a couple months ago when we first moved here"

"I love talking to them"

"Do they talk back" he asked making me giggle

"No but sometimes they glow"

"Make em glow I wanna see" he said

"They have a mind of their own Manik"

"Oh well, lets go" he said putting the jar back

"Go where"

"My room, I wanna sleep and you are coming with"



He siad pulling me with him to his room. It was adorable, he had my little elephant on the wall side of his bed along with my pillow and my novel, frekaing twisted love sitting there and I wonder if he flipped through it cause I know there is so much smut in it

"Manik this"

"Yesterday for the first time I got actual sleep without waking up with nightmares or just not sleeping at all. I jsut want you around me please, I mean if you are uncomfortable then im sorry I"

"Shh you talk too much grinch, im okay with this" I said crawling on my side of the bed

He took his t shirt off and laid down beside me closing the lights, I turned to him putting my face on his arm

"Sleepy" he asked

"No" I said but yawned right after making him smile

"You are so cute baby" he siad kissing my nose

I cuddled to him more and his phone rang making him groan

"God why can't people just understand it is 1 in the morning" he mumbled grabbing his phone

"Who is it" I asked

"Fucking asshole" he siad picking it up

"What do you want" he said

"Manners son"

Oh my god, it's his father, wait why is he so rude

"What the hell do you want" he asked again

"So the new piece of meat in your life" he said and my eyes widened hearing him

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT THAT YOU WANT" he screamed scaring me a little

I jumped up sitting back, I wasn't scared of him, I was jus scared of the tone he was using. As if sensing that he took a breath and put his hand on my lap.

I caressed his hand softly, his whole mood had shifted, I could feel it.

"Files, I need them sighed right now"

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