Chapter 16

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The door opened and navya cabir walked in with food

"Get up" cabir said

"Pyar sai Bol" manik said making me smile

I saw cabir smiling as well. He sat on the bed and smacked manik's back

"Get up and eat"

"Im not hungry" he said getting off me

"You have to" he said

"Did you eat" he asked cabir

"Yup I did"

Manik looked at me and I blinked in a assurance smiling, he grabbed the plate and started eating.

"Stacy called from the office" cabir said

"Fuck, I literally pay her more not to tell you shit"

"Ahahah I fucking knew it" he said


"I knew you payed her more so guess what I told her she can have tom off and she spilled everything"


"Manik no, this isn't fair. You know you can take me with you. I have specifically told you to take me with you yet you go alone"

"I said I was sorry"

"This is the last time manik"

"Ya ya fuck off I got it"


"What? you already lectured me and so did Nandini, now navya is left" he siad looking at navya who smiled walking to manik

"Navya would like to say you are fucking idiot but it's fine. As long as you are okay we good' she siad

"Great now get out everyone" manik said giving cabir the plate

I chuckled at how quickly his normal self was back, I got up and followed cabin and navya

"Not you, come back" he siad and cabir turned around

"I knew you'd want some of this, finally mera pyar mujhai mil gyaa" caber said running to manik and falling on him

I couldn't help but laugh along with navya seeing the two of them, they are so cute.

"Get off me you ass, I was talking to Nandini"

"Oh no are you cheating on me baby" he asked manik touching his face

"Ahh gross ewww"

"Esai mat thukrao merai pyar ko dewanai" cabir said touching manik's chest

"Cabir you are disgusting man"

"Hayeee mai lut gaya, suna tumnai. Merai pyar ko mai disgusting lagta hu, hayeeeee" he is so dramtic

"Cabir hahahaha leave him, come on lets go navya said laughing

"Bye merai janeman, rat ko miltai hai" cabir said leaving making me chuckle

"This isn't funny Nandini" manik said

"It actually is manik"

"Ahh goddd" he groaned laying down on his stomach

"No no you jsut ate, you can't lay down yet, up up big boy" I said patting his shoulder

He got up and I couldn't help but giggle at how tall he is, he is huge compared to me and to think I helped cabir with getting up here is shocking

"What" he asked

"You are so tall Manik"

"Basketball does that to you" he said taking his t shirt off

"Manikkk" I said turning around


"Don't take it off in front of me"

he chuckled a little pulling me towards him.

"Hey look up at me" he said cause I had closed my eyes

"Baby look at me" he whispered so gently yet with so much passion that I couldn't help open my eyes to meet his magnifying ones

"I am going to shower, when I get back I want you in my room so do not go away okay" he said

"Umm hmmm"

"Words Nandini" he said

"Umm yes yes ill be here I mean where will I go"


"You have abs holly" I whispered and he chuckled letting my arm go

"Sorry umm no that's not what I meant, I was just oh my god this is so embarrassing, ahhh god. I have to go" I rambled on walking towards the connecting door

"Hey wait" he said pulling me back so my back banged against his front

"You don't have to be embarrassed" he said kissing the top of my head

He walked over towards the bathroom leaving me all breaches and shit. Godd this man had an affect on me, the kind that no one could ever.

I went to my room and took a few sips of water from my water bottle. I felt so much closer to manik, why well umm for many reasons, but specifically because he opened up a little, he was vulnerable with me and that helps me get to know him better

"Come in here nandini" I heard hhis voice

He was trying to be fine, he was trying so hard to not break down, I could hear it in his voice

I walked back into his room and he glared at me

"Told you to stay here"

"I am here"

"Come sit and finish this" he said

I walked to the bed and saw he brought me a garlic chicken Cesar salad which he knows I like, actually I didn't like them until he started making them for me, he makes it creamy

"Thank you but I am not hungry"

"Nandini you haven't eaten anything after Maggie please"


"Shush" he siad

He sat beside me getting under blankets, he put his head on my shoulder.

"Please kha lo" he whispered

"Thank you manik" I whispered as I started eating

He nodded in my shoulder.

"Hey you know you can talk to me about anything right" I said

"I know"

"Then why are you keeping it in, talk to me, tell me what's going on in your head"

"I couldn't breath, I don't even know how I drove to the court, I don't know how long it took me to get there and I don't know how long I played basketball. I was hyperventilating for a while, it just got super bad when cabir got there. I try not worrying him, I try to not bother him but I always end up bothering him. He cried because of me today"

"It wasn't because of you, he was worried for you"

"I know and see I made him cry"

"Manik you cannot blame yourself for everything that happened, you cannot control things that are beyond your control. I need you to just relax and not worry"

"Im okay" he whispered

"Lying isn't allowed manik"

"I feel lost"

"Why so"

"I miss my mom" he said

I had a feeling that she wasn't in this world anymore becasue he keeps referring to how he is connected to basketball because of her

"She is in your heart"

"She is" he said

Seeing I had finished the salad he got off my shoulder and was about to grab the bowl but I shook my head getting up

"Ill be back" I said

"I can wash it" he siad

"I can do it" I said

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