Chapter 31

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I woke up feeling manik move beside me, I opened my eyes and found him holding onto my arm but he was turned the other way. I grabbed my phone and saw it was only 9 in the morning which meant I could just cuddle with manik when he wakes up.

Life had changed, I was close to finishing the first semester of college, I had found manik, navya and cabir. I was happy and I love that manik and I are getting through these hard times.

"Manik"I heard cabir

I propped myself up a little resting my back on the headrest.

"Cabir the door is open" I said

"Oh my god don't tell me I'm walking into a post sex room" he said walking in

"No, I think that you have mistaken this for your and navy's room" he blushed hearing me making me laugh

"Kitna blush karogai yar"

"Shut up, I came to talk to manik but since you are I wanna ask you something"

"Whats up" I asked

"You see a future with manik" he asked

"I do"

"Good, because I just wanna let you know that his dad is going to make things worse and its going to be hard but as long as"

"As long as we stay together we can tackle everything and anything that comes our way" I finished his thought and he nodded

"His dad is coming back"

"Huh, coming back from where" I asked being confused

"When he texted you he was going out of the country which is why manik hasn't talked to him but he is coming back this afternoon, I got a call from Stacy and from arun so ya"

"Which means he will wanna talk to manik"

"Not sure about that but I know he will want to talk to you"

Woah now im confused why would he wanna talk to me, I mean when he had texted me I didn't even reply to him so I did think that he would just conclude it being a wrong number cause I didn't reply but I guess not

"Me" I questioned

"Ya, I know him so im warning you that he will try and talk to you but don't just go alone to talk to him or even think about it"

"I won't repeat my mistake twice, if I need to talk to him then im taking manik with me"

"Good, now the other thing is Christmas break is coming up so do you have plans"

"Umm I was gonna go to mangalore just for a day but other than that no"

"Mangalore why" he asked

"I miss them and being in that house makes me feel the memories we had spent there"

he smile at me, he knows how attached I am to that house, I was born there and I also grew up there.

"You can ask manik, he might have some plans"

"He doesn't, which is why I asked you becasue your plans are his plans" he teased making me blush

"Ot true cabir, he doesn't even know that im going to Mangalore"

"Well he isn't gonna let you go alone that's for sure"

"But he probably would wanna spend time with his cousins and stuff right"

"No, it's either with me or arun and drive, well a lot of times with pretti too. You have met her right"

"Ya I have, she is adorable"

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