Chapter 23

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"Shh sleep" he said putting his head in my shoulder

"Is there a point when we have to be up soon"

"Not really, but what do we do" he asked

"We can do many things" I said kissing his cheek

"Like what"

"Umm we can make brownies, or go run around, or oh my gosh we can go skinny dipping" I said and he chuckled

"We could make brownies, becasue I am not running around or going skinny dipping"

"Wait have you gone skinny dipping" I asked

"Nope. And I know you haven't either"

"How would you know" I asked

"I just do, like I know I was your first kiss"

"Dang it, was I that bad" I asked hearing him

"No idiot, I mean I just knew by the way you reacted to it"

"What did I do" I asked


"Huh? Manik tell me na so I can improve"

"Improve how" he asked

"Obviously by kissing more" I said

"You mean kissing me more right"

"Well you see"

"Don't play around with me"

"Im not"

"Then get this in your head, you are not kissing nay other fucking boys"

"So I can kiss girls" I asked giggling

"No, no kissing any other human than me, jeez girl" he said making me giggle

"Im being serious" he said

"I can tell, you are flexing"

"Sorry, not doing it on purpose"

"I know, umm can I talk to you about something" I asked caressing his arm

"Of course"

"We are exclusive right" I asked

"Not sure why that's even in your head because I don't look at any other girl than you but since you have asked, yes yes we are exclusive"

I smiled hearing this because I don't think I could deal with seeing him with other girls. I know we aren't dating dating well like it feels like we are right but its not labeled yet thats what I meant

"Do not ask any more stupid questions" he said as if sensing I was about ask stupid questions



"Its not a compliment"

"Shut up, just close your eyes"

"I hate you" I mumbled

"Honey we both know for a fact thats not true"

I pouted at how he can just tell me. I moved out of his hold and sat up, I knew he was watching me as his gaze pierced through my back

"Lay back down" he commanded

"No" I said getting off his bed

"Where are you going"

"Im not sleepy so I am gonna go grab some coffee" I told him

"Make me one"

"Boy I meant going to a cafe"

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