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8 years later

I was sitting in bed waiting for manik, for the first time in a couple months he had a late night meeting and I wanted to go with but I thought ill stay home becasue I get bored at his meetings.

Its been 8 years since manik and I got back from Kashmir that night, and things have been perfect. Manik and I have had such a beautiful life together.

Our dating period was umm well filled with lots of love, until we both graduated and then we were long distance for about 2 years while he worked in the US for his company and I had to finish my masters.

Those years were tough, we cried a lot of the nights, sometimes we fell a sleep to each other's sobbing and other times we fell a sleep to each others breathing.

Once manik finished his work I literally made him vow that he won't leave me again which he gladly accepted without any fuss.

"Hey wifey" I heard his voice making me grin

Gosh I was so in love with manik, I swear some people say that there is a honeymoon phase and than shit gets real but manik and I have been in this honeymoon phase and will remain in it I think forever

"Hi hubby" I whispered getting up and walking to him

He is so freaking handsome, I love him so much. His hair was messy and his tie was loose.

"I missed you jaan" he whispered against my lips as he kissed me gently

"Me more, how was the meeting" I asked

"Umm it was fine but no results yet" he said picking me up

I wrapped my legs around his hips as he walked to the bathroom

"It's okay, results take time" I told him resting my head on is chest

"I suppose, umm did you eat" he asked

"No, I was waiting for you. I made rajma chawal" I said grinning

His face lit up hearing rajma chawal, he loves rajma chwaal so much.

"Is there a special occasion" he asked pecking my lips placing me on the bathroom counter

"Umm no not really, I mean we did complete 2 months of our marriage"

We got married two months ago, it was so beautiful, it was under the sky so both our parents could witness it, we had fireflies around us and stars.

There were only a couple of manik's friends and cabir bhai and navya, so it was a very intimate thing but if I had to do it again. Would.

"Happy 2 months my love" he wished kissing my nose

"Happy 2 months mani"

He smiled walking closer to me, he stood in between my legs and I started to unbutton his shirt while he just looked at me

"How was your day" he asked

"It was blah, I mean its boring when I go to office with you but its worse at home, I can't even annoy you" I told him

"Girl you don't annoy me"

"Not until I am disturbing you from your stupid stupid papers and designs ahhh sometimes I think you married papers and not me" he laughed hearing me

"Which is why I take you with me baby, so that you can be around me and I can be sane. Since you didn't come in with me today I yelled at a few people" he said putting his shirt and pants in the laundry basket walking back to me

"That's not good mani"

"I know, its fine I apologized to them" he said turning the shower on

"Thats good, umm Manik can I ask you something"

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