Chapter 12

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It was Friday, the day of the game, currently manik and cabir were at the campus while navya and I were getting ready.

I decided to put on skinny black ripped jeans and a red crop tee with a black jacket over top jsut in case, while navya wore a dress.

We got to the game and I was nervous for some reason. We were sitting front row cause we got there so early

'Come to the bathroom by the stairs' it was text from manik

'You are supposed to start soon'

'Come back here'


"Umm navya ill be back I just have to go to the bathroom"

"Ill come with" she siad

"No its all good, ill be right back"

"You sure"


"Okay" she siad

I walked to the bathroom by the stairs and was pulled, about to scream but a hand covered my mouth

I opened my eyes and saw manik so I relaxed in his arms

"What is wrong with you" I asked

"Sorry, I jsut wanted to se you"

"Why" I asked


"Manik if you don't tell me how will I know"

"Im nervous" he siad


"Its the first game"

"You'll do great"

"I don't know"

"You will, just believe in yourself" I said kissing his cheek

"What if I let the couch down"

"You won't" I siad

He closed his eyes resting his forehead on mine, he interlocked our fingers together.

"It will be okay, you can play well, you know how to play and you know exactly what to do. nerves are always good because you know that it matters. Just eyes on the price okay" I whispered

"Always" he mummbled making me smile

"Come on, grout there and win it. Plus all those pretty girls are cheering on for you" I teased

"Yet the only one that matters is you"

My stomach knotted in the best way possible, I couldn't help but smile, I knew I was blushing.

"Come on" I siad and he nodded

"All the best my grinch" I said and he smiled

He squeezed my hand one last time before running towards the locker room. I came back to navya.

"Where were you" she asked

"Bathroom ohh see they are coming out" I said and she got distracted thankfully

I caught manik's eyes and he gave me a small smile making me smile, he is so handsome.

As the game began I knew manik, cabir and this other kid were carrying the team on their back.

Every time manik make a score I couldn't help but giggle and smile at him, I wish to come to every game of his, I want to be here watching him get everything he deserves and so much more.

I was 51 to 50 in the last couple minutes, manik had the ball as he dribbled it towards his side, he glanced over for a quick second not even and I nodded. He threw the ball and my breath hitch until I heard the whistle and the whole team cheered becasue they had won

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