Chapter 29

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The next few days, we didn't talk at all, we didn't even look at each other and that hurt a lot. The only time we sat down together was when I was going over math stuff and forced him to learn it with me.

It was Friday morning, I came down to grab a granola bar when I saw cabir. As soon as he saw me he got up walking to me.

"Hiiii" I said

"Hi ki bachi, you idiot why wouldn't you call me and tell that asshole has been being a little bitch" he said


"He got mad at you didn't he"

"No cabir"

"No don't lie to me for him. I know you like him and he likes you. since I got back I have seen him and I knew something was off, now seeing you I can tell 100% so what happened" he asked

"Bhai its nothing"

"Nandini" he grabbed my arm

"Tell me what he did and I swear ill beat him up" he said

"It wasn't his fault bhai, I lied to him" I whispered sitting down

"Tell me Choti kya hua" he asked and I couldn't keep it together

I burst out crying in front of him as I told hold everything that happened.

"Shh sh it's okay, ill talk to him" he told me caressing my hair

"No no bhai please don't no"


"It was my fault that I lied but he shouldn't have said what he said either. If this, if I'm not that important to him that he could hold onto us when I messed up then maybe we aren't ready yet"

"Nandini you know you mean a lot to him, and he has made that very clear on multiple occasions"

"I know cabir which is why I pulled back too. He needs to understand that when two people are together we are gonna clash, we are going to have times where we lie even though we don't want to but that lie would never be to hurt the other. It would always for each other. I know he is someone I see myself in the future with but im not gonna beg him to take me back or to be the way we were, I won't". I told him

"You are so strong Nandini"

"Hey you already knew that when I kicked your ass the first time you took my chocolate" he laughed remembering it and so did I

When we were little he yanked my chocolate from my hand and boy did I make him pay for it hehehe. this is why he buys me chocolates every time he is out.

"You are still coming to the game right" he asked

As much as I didn't wanna go I knew I should because I had promised him I would be there for every single game of his, even though we aren't on the best term I still want to fulfil my promise.

"I am"

"Oh by the way umm before navy tells you and all, her and I are umm"

"Ya ya I know you two are long term kinda thing I know it" he smiled hearing me

"Ill see you at your game okay, I gotta go now" I said and he nodded

I walked to college and classes went by rather fast becasue every minute I got, I would type my English project. I mean honestly I liked that I had so many feelings right now because this project about feelings is getting easier.

Eve though Manik was present in class him and I didn't talk and at this point I was annoyed yes I was but I wasn't gonna let him ruin us like that.

It was later in the evening after classes and instead of going home I just went to the library until his game.  It was 5 so I walked over to the court.

I sat down with navya who started rambling about her trip but my attention and focus was on Manik who was warming up with the team.

Right before the game was about to begin, he looked around the crowd as if trying to find someone. His frown grew when he searched around but then his eyes reached me and that frown was gone.

So he can search for me a crowd before his game to calm down, but he cannot tell me that he was wrong and that he shouldn't have said that, wow freaking great.

they won the game obviously and he walked up the bleachers so being nice I looked at him.

"Congratulations" I mumbled and he nodded

Once the bleachers started clearing out, navya was with cabir so I grabbed my stuff and went to the library. I didn't wanna go home plus I knew they had an afterparty like always so ya there was no point because if I go home navya will make me go with her.

I picked a table and got under it hahah sounds weird and guess what, it is. I put my bag down, got my laptop out and started typing.

"Nandini" I heard a voice and I immediately recognized it as Manik's

I didn't say anything or even move, I kinda just froze

"Nandini" he yelled a little louder but why the hell is he yelling

"Nandini" his voice broke a little and I heard his steps going further so I peaked out

"Manik" I called

I swear I have never seen him running so fast, he ran to me sitting down on the floor.

"Tum thik ho" he asked holding onto my face

That softness, and care was visible in his eyes again, which he had hidden after out little talk that day.

"Han kyu" I asked

"Are you fucking crazy, its 2 in the fucking morning and you aren't home. I have been calling you like a zillion times" he yelled

"Shit I didn't realize what time it was" I said grabbing my phone

There it was, 70 plus missed calls, about 50 text messages, and face time calls as well.

"Pack you stuff" he said and I grabbed my stuff putting it in my bag pack

I crawled out form under the table and Manik grabbed my arm. We got to his car and he opened the door for me. The ride home was silent

When we got home, I walked up to my room and sobbed in the shower. I put on my shorts and a crop t shirt because I love it.

I walked to my room and found Manik siting on the bed with the jar of fireflies in his hands.

"Do you need something" I asked, rude I know

"Where the fuck is your phone" he asked

"On the table" I said

"Then why the hell were you not replying to my texts huh? Do you know how scared I was"

"Scared? Why?"


"No Manik, why were you scared huh? Who cares where I was, I will be anywhere at any time why does it matter"

"Becasue I fucking care Nandini, don't you get it" he yelled

"No actually I don't get it because the last conversation we had about a week ago didn't make me feel like you cared so forgive me if I thought you didn't care plus why you care anyways"

He sighed sitting there and I grabbed the jar of fireflies from his hand making out hands brush against each others by accident. It caused the fireflies to glow making me smile, I looked at Manik to see a small smile on his face as well.

I put the jar on the side table and put my laptop on charge

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