Chapter 33

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We finished eating and while I washed the dishes, Manik brought down blankets and pillows for us so we could lay down.

"Wait" he said when I was about to lay down

He laid down and pulled me against his chest so my back was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my was it and covered us with blankets.

My head laid on his arm and his was on the pillow. He kissed the back of my head making me smile.

I could feel him thinking about something but I wasn't sure what was going on in his head.



"You are thinking about something monkey, what is it? Talk to me" I said caressing his arm


"Lets elaborate" I said kissing his arm that was under my head

"Umm I don't if cabir told you but my dad he got back this morning"

"Yes he did tell me but why are you thinking about that"

"He will try contacting you again"


"And I don't want him affecting us"

"It won't, you already know what he wants don't you" I asked

"He wants more shares and more freedom in the company and i am not letting that happen. I even got cabir added on everything so that if something happens to me he needs cabin's signatures as well"

"Don't say that"

"Its true Nandini, you don't know the extent that he could go to for things he wants"

"I get that but he wouldn't harm you if that's what you are implying" I said caressing his arm

He chuckled but it wasn't a peaceful chuckle, it was something I never wanna hear because it scares me to know what his dad is capable of

"He would kill me in a heartbeat if I didn't have this company on my name" manik said

I got up from his arms and sat up facing him. i was shaken up a little hearing what he had said, like my brain wasn't able to comprehend or make sense of the words.

I thought it was some father son argument thing but this is way beyond that, this is something deeper and more scarier.

"Kya hua" he asked holding my hand

"You umm you don't mean what you just said right" I asked

"Umm forget what I said, come lay down"

"No no umm Manik you"

"Nandini you are freaking out" he said and I didn't even notice how shaky my hands were


"Shhh just relax for now please and ill explain" he said interlocking my hands with his

He kisses my hand a few times

"Just relax" he whispered

"Manik no no you can't"

"Im not going anywhere, Nandini promise"

"But you just"

"Okay, let me explain" he said and I nodded

"My dad umm he isn't an ideal father, he was umm well he was hot and cold. He would be super nice one day then back to his old self the next day. It was like a routine, all my memories consist of bad endings, every single one with him in it"

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