Chapter 8

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I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I got up and walked to manik's room, I knocked and I heard a come in

When I walked inside he shook his head at me as if he already knew I was gonna show up but how would he know

"Didn't I tell you to sleep"

"You did"

"Then why aren't you sleeping" he asked

"Can I sit here" I asked eyeing his bed

He nodded scouting back, I got on his bed laying down beside him with my blanket still wrapped around me.

"I can't sleep"

"Why not" he asked

"I keep umm that scene keeps coming in front of my eyes, I jsut umm"

"He didn't do anything right" he asked

"No but what if he did"

"He wouldn't, I was right there"

I nodded closing my eyes again, jsut something about his presence made me feel safe probably cause he did safe me.

"I don't know how to fight my demons Nandini and this, you umm you make me want to lower my guards but I know if I end up doing that it will only end up hurting you" he whispered

I wasn't sure if he knew that I was still awake.

i heard footsteps coming in so I turned towards Manik putting my face against his arms so he wouldn't see me awake.

"Manik where she is, I literally told you to take care of her but she isn't in her room" it was cabin's voice

"Shut up will you" Manik said

"You know I fucking love her Manik"

"God cabir, clam down. I know you do" he said

"Then where is she" he asked again

Wait am I like not visible?

"If you open your eyes and look, then you will see her" Manik siad

I felt cabir's footsteps coming closer then I felt the bed dip

"What is she doing here" he asked caressing my hair

"She couldn't sleep"

"Why, what happened last night"

"Umm Akash well he was forcing her to drink and blew some vape and weed in her face. You know how sensitive she is, im sure this is why she is sick"

"The fuck"

"I was just trying to blow some steam off but I saw her with him which is why I brought her home"

"She is fine" Manik said

"Did she just sleep" cabir asked

"Well she isn't fully a sleep like not in deep sleep, I can tell you that" Manik said

"Why here though"

"I don't know, I dropped her in her room but she said she couldn't sleep, im assuming she is still affected"

"Can you let her stay here tonight" cabir asked


"She isn't bad Manik"

"I know she isn't but you know how I am"

"It's fine"

I felt manik's hand on my head

"She is fragile" he whispered

"Exactly, watch your words and voice with her"

"I will" he said

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