Chapter 28

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Nandini's pov

I woke up in the morning and found the bed empty which is a rare sight becasue I usually wake up before manik. i was about to call for him when I noticed my phone reminding me of those horrific messages.

Last night when I was about to brush my phone beeped and it was a random number so I didn't reply until that person said he was manik's dad.

I thought he would be asking about manik or something but no, he threatened me that if I don't leave manik he will hurt manik or cabir and navya. So last night I held onto manik for dear life, I asked him to promise me that he won't leave me so that if I have to leave him, he can still hold onto us.

I felt like shit not telling him but if I do he will get angry and then he will smoke and drink or he will get panic attacks which is bad.

"Morning" I heard his voice making me look up

He had jsut come out the shower which was evident due to his wet hair.

"Good morning" I mummbled

"Go shower, we have to talk" he said


"Go, its late" he said making me look at the time and it was really late

I showered and put on jeans and a huge sweater. I grabbed my school bag and ran down to see manik sitting on the couch

He looked upset but why?

"Here you go" he said giving me a plate of fruits becasue I usually like fruits in the morning

"Thank you, umm manik"

He hmmed as I tied my shoe laces

"You okay" I asked

"Sure nandini, you can call it that" he said

"Whats wrong"

"We don't have time right now so later" he said walking to his car

I followed him and he opened the door for me but when I said thank you he didn't reply he jsut nodded.

"Are you upset at me" I asked

"No, should I be?" He asked driving


"Shut up" he said

"Tell me if I did something" I said not knowing the reason behind this rudeness

"You haven't done anything? have you to make me upset?" He asked

"No I don't think so" I said because I havent'

I mean I havent told him about his dad texting me but he doesn't know that so what else could I have done

"Good then" he said

When we go to school he paced away from me, seeing him distant I jsut slowed down becasue there was no way I would catch up to him and his long ass legs.

I walked into chem class and sat beside him. He didn't even acknowledge my presence which was hurtful because I had gotten used to us talking in class

"Manik" I whispered tugging on his arm

"What Nandini" he snapped

"Im sorry but I don't know what I did to make you this upset" I told him

"Clearly its nothing cause you don't know"

"Manik please jsut tell me"

Before he could say anything the prof walked in. The next few hours of my life were the worst, I hated it. All our classes Manik was super cold and distant to me no matter how nicely I tried asking about my fualt.

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