Chapter 18

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The next morning I woke up quite late but it was Sunday so who cares, I looked at my phone and saw a message from cabir letting me know him and navya are out.

I looked at my right and found manik sleeping with his mouth slightly open making me smile, he is so cute. His hand was still in mine, I caressed his face gently making him smile in his sleep.

I got out of bed and put my little teddy bear beside him moving my hand from his, he turned a little in his sleep and held onto the blanket.

I grabbed my clothes and quickly hopped in the shower, when I came back I walked into his room and folded his blankets drawing the curtains to let the sun in.

Walking back into my room, I thought about making breakfast but I know manik showers before he eats so I jsut sat beside him.

"Hey its wakey wakey time" I said caressing his forehead

he hummed turning towards me

"Manik its time to wake up"

"Im sleepy" he whispered

"I know but you need to eat, it's been a while since you ate monkey"


"Haha come on manik" I said chuckling

"No no, let me sleep"


"5 minutes"

"Okay 5 minutes is it" I said kissing his head

I grabbed my phone going through social media and I couldn't help but take a picture of manik, he looked so cute and hot at the same time

a few minutes later manik stirred a little putting his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. Honestly at this point it kinda feels like we are dating, or at least something more than friends for sure.

"Hi" he whispered against my stomach

"Hi my grinch" I whispered back caressing his hair

"Im hungry" he said making me laugh

"Hey its' not funny" he siad

"it's not, I jsut. It's adorable that you weren't when I asked you to wake up about lets see umm 30 minutes ago but as soon as you wake up you ask for food"

"What? Im starving"

"Okay ill make you breaky, what would you like" I asked

"Umm something good"


"No gross"

"Then what"

"Chocolate waffles" he said

"Aww I thought you are a health freak" I teased

"I am but the thing is I am happy for a change and I want something yum" he said making me smile

"Okay get up, ill make it for you" I said getting up

"Nandini" he said while I made the bed with him still in it

"Ya" I said

"Whats this" he asked looking at the jar beside my bed

"A secret"

"Can I know" he asked cutely

"You can but after you shower, you stink"

"Hey not true"

"Oh its true" I said and he got out of bed

I looked at him when I finished making the bed. He came closer to me and I couldn't help but look down because the intense eye contact was a little too much

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