Chapter 13

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Manik's pov

I woke up this morning and there was a smile on my face which is rare actually no, it never happens. My eyes fell on the connecting door and I realized Nandini had left it open last night

Nandini, a girl who I didn't know a couple months ago but now she is the reason I smile, the reason I don't hold myself back anymore. Nandini is the reason for my calm and my rational thinking

Walking into space academy was just to complete a degree and play basketball but I have found my calmness here very unexpectedly.

I tried so hard to push her away, I was rude, I yelled, I even ignored her but nothing helped becasue little did I know, she had made space for herself in my cold heart.

I got up and stood by the connecting door to see her sleeping facing away from me, smiling I got back in my room and grabbed my gym bag. I freshened up and headed to the campus gym, when I got back I showered and was about to wear pyjamas when my phone beeped

'Don't forget, we are meeting today'

Shaking my head I grabbed jeans and a t shirt groaning. I knew my day was gonna go shit and I hated that.

After getting ready I walked into Nandini's room through the connecting door and sat on her bed. I caressed her cheeks making her open her eyes, she mumbled a soft good morning smiling.

She is so wholesome, I talked to her for a couple minutes adn she is so cute, she walked with me to the door as if I would get lost.

She yawned in my face making me chuckle, now see if it was anyone else I would have been pissed but she is special.

I could see her in the rearview mirror as I drove away and for the first time in a while I felt like someone cares for me, and no not counting cabir because cabir is my brother form another mother.

I headed to the office, I had two meetings that couldn't be handled by others since I own the company and they wanted my presence so ya.

The two meetings ended and I looked at the time to see it was 3. I grabbed my phone and saw a couple texts from Nandini asking if I ate which is so cute.

'Hey' I texted her

'Hiiii monkey, did you eat?'

'Not yet but I will'

'Its so late manik'

'I know, I will eat, did you'

'Yesss I had Maggie'

'Thats not healthy'

'But its yummy'

'It is'

'When will you come home' she asked

'Soon' I replied

'But i miss annoying you, no one is home'

Shitt I thought cabir adn navya would be home

'Ill be there soon okay, till then why don't you go into my room and turn the xbox on, you can play whatever games you want'

'Nooo thats boring, ill read my novel, but come home jaldi'

I was about to reply but I couldn't becasue the door opened revealing the person I despise the most.

"Hello son"

"What do you want" I asked putting my phone down

"Someone seems to have caught your eyes son" he said coming in and siting down

"Wasn't you thats for sure"

"How have you been"

"Why do you care"

"You are my son" he siad making me chuckle

"Yes of course you are" I said and he smiled as if I was being nice making me roll my eyes at him

"Just get to the point I don't have time for this, I have places I need to be unlike you"

"Show some manners and respect manik"

"Why should I"

"Becasue im your father"

"Let me make one thing very clear, respect is earned and you deserve none whatsoever"

"Of course cause thats what the bitch of a mother taught you right" he siad and that was it

"You fucking asshole, I have told you not to bring her in the middle of this" I said pushing him

"Aww baby got hurt" he mocked and I punched him in the face

"Don't you dare speak a single word about my mother, don't you fucking dare" I yelled

"You should be happy she fucking died" he siad and that was my last straw

I punched his face and walked out of there. I drove to the basketball court and started playing but it didn't work. My mind was filled with his stupid fucking words.

I sat trying to breath, trying to calm down but I couldn't. I couldn't even breath properly.

"I I ah I" I tried talking myself through it but my words didn't form

My phone rang but I was starting to see stars, everyhting was going blank but I grabbed it following the sound

"Hello, manik where the hell are you" it was cabir

"Ca cab"

"Fuckk manik, stay on the phone with me" he siad

"You are okay, try breathing manik, it's okay. Everyhting is fine" I heard his voice

I heard a lot of noise at one point where I couldn't even decipher between his voice and other background noises.

It felt like hours when I felt cabir's arm around me rubbing my back

"Breath, you are okay" he whispered

"Cab I I"

"Shh I need you to breath, you are panicking manik, jsut breath" he siad

"I I ca can't I se-ee" I tried telling him I couldn't see anything

"Manik you cannot do this to yourself man, come on"

"Cab I"

"Please manik, jsut focus on breathing eveyrhtin else we will figure out later just breath for now"

"I I c-can't" I said in between panicking

At this point my chest was starting to hurt, it was getting harder to breath, it wasn't like I wasn't trying, I was but his words were circling in my head.

All I could see was that sight in front of me, a sight I never wish anyone have to face. All the feelings and thoughts rushed back making ti even harder to process my father's words

"Manik please" I heard cabir's voice but I couldn't

"Nan-na- nan-nandini" I forced out with a lot of effort

"You want Nandini" he asked rubbing my hands and I nodded slightly

I didn't even know if I was nodding at him or not because my eyes were blank, couldn't see anything.

"Navyaa where is nandini, okay get her to come to the basketball court right now, and I need you to hurry, ill explain later just hurry please" he said on the phone im assuming

"See she is coming, jsut breath please manik. You know you can, for her please" he siad rubbing my back

Usually he can calm me down but this was the worst panic attack I have ever had.

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