Chapter 9

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It was late evening when my phone beeped

'Hey girl, cabir and I are going to a party, would you like to come' navya texted

'No im good thank you for asking, I have a math exam soon'

'You sure'

'Yes, you two have fun and text me if you need anything'

'Sounds good, be safe'

'You too' I replied

I knew they would eat out so I made some pasta since Manik eats pasta too.

I was up in my room chaining into shorts and a t shirt when I smelled something weird.

I followed the smell and it was coming from manik's room so I pushed it open cause I knew he was't home

Boy was I so wrong, he was sitting on his bed with a cigarette in his hand, a freaking cigarette. Every part of me wanted to grab it out of his hand so I walked closer to him scrunching my nose smelling the disgusting scent

"What the hell Manik" I said grabbing it out of his ahdn

"The fuck" he said looking at the cigarette that was put out on the floor cause stepped on it

"Smoking is bad for you"

"And who are you? My mother" he said lighting another one but I grabbed that one too

"For god sake Manik, you can't freaking smoke jsut because you are stressed" I said seeing him all fidgety

"I need it so get the fuck away from me" he said snatching the packet of cigarettes from my hadn't

I snatched it back from him and put it in my short's pocket

"Nandini do not mess with me right now, give them back" he said in the most dangerous voice

"They aren't good for you"

"YOU ARE NOT MY GOD DAMN MOTHER" he screamed making me flinch back closing my eyes

It scared me but he was genuinely disturbed

"Whats bothering you" I asked sitting down on his bed

"Give me my cigarettes" he said


"Nandini im warning you"

"I don't care, im not letting you smoke becasue of some random stress"

"Don't try to become a part of my life, and do not try to think you can fix me"

"Im not, I jsut dont think it's good to smoke"

"Give them back" he said holding my arm


"Nadnini I said give them back"

"I said no, god, you stink Manik"

"GIVE THEM BACKKK" he screamed pushing me

i fell on the floor but I was not giving them back, I got up rubbing my knee and elbow.

"Go change and shower. Meet me downstairs, we gotta go over some math stuff, the prof talked to me"

"Give them back" he repeated

"You aren't a fucking addict Manik"

"Jsut give them back please, I need them" he said sitting down

He was fidgeting with his fingers, moving them over his jeans and I was kinda shook.

"Manik this isn't healthy"

"Please Nandini jsut give them back to me, I I can't just please. I can't get to cabir right now I need them please" he whispered

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