Chapter 20

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We got to the mall shortly after and navya gave me the dirtiest look becasue we were late making me laugh

We shopped around for a bit, well I didn't buy anything but manik got a couple t shirts, cabir got gym clothes, navya got everything that could fit in her and cabin's hands ahahaha.

We were going to the food court when I spotted a toy shop, I knew they would have teddy bears so I walked towards the shop.

"Nandini where are you going" I heard manik

"Manik see na" I pulled his arm walking to the toy store

"Yes I see but what do you"

"Ahhh I am getting that" I yelled interrupting him

Running to the little elephant, well it wasn't little but I grabbed it turning to manik who raised his eye brow asking me what the hell I am doing but I just smiled at him

"Manik my card" I said poking his arm as we got to the counter

"Would you like a bag ma'am" the guy asked and I shook my head

"Manik no" I said seeing him pay from his card



"Shh take it or should we return it" he asked and I grabbed it faster than anything

Cabir and navya both laughed at me for getting a stuffed toy but who cares, I love the elephant plus I only have two other stuffed toys so yup

We got back home and navya was being a pain in the ass, this girl grabbed a red dress with a plunging v neck. I mean I love the dress but I feel like its way too umm revealing.

Oh and that's not even the worst part, this girl told me not to wear a bra and jsut wear some boob tape stuff like what. No I am not gonna go braless plus she keeps saying to wear heels too and no im not doing that either.

"Nandini" it was navya

I quickly zipped up the dress but I couldn't zip it up all the way.

"Come in" I said and she came

"Can you help, I can't get the zipper up all the way" I siad

"Holly fucking shit, nandini I swear to god you have no idea how beautiful you are" she said zipping it up for me

"Thank you, you look very very sexy" I said and she smiled

"Come on" she said linking her arm with mine

We walked downstairs and the boys turned around.

I could see manik's eyes darken as his eyes gazed my Body, he has never looked at me like that before or maybe he has but I never noticed.

His eyes travelled down my body and back up to my eyes making me feel cautious of my dress. I pulled it down even though it will not go down to my freaking knees, ahh I should not have worn this.

I felt navya pulling me making me break eye contact with Manik, she pulled me with her to the couch as she sat to put on heels.

I grabbed my white converse putting them on, I heard caber chuckling at me making me smile at him but boy was navya glaring at me

"Stop glaring please, I can't do heels"

"Girl its sexy"

"No na please"

"Fine, the dress is enough for this time" she said

"No no girl, we are not doin this again"

"Yes we are"

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