Chapter 34

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It has been a month since Manik and I got back together well like its still not official but you know.

Everyone is a sleep except me because I have one last exam left for English and the rest of these humans are done their exams.

I woke up around 5 and then review for a bit in bed because Manik wouldn't let me get out of bed, yes we have been sleeping in the same bed.

Around 8ish I showered and got ready in jeans and a simple crop top. I put my hair in a messy low bun at the nape of my neck. I grabbed all my notes and stuff putting it in my bag along with my id.

I walked to the bed and sat down caressing manik's face gently, I leaned down kissing his cheek then his lips a couple times.

I put the blanket over him and was about to get up when his voice stopped me

"Jaan kaha ja rahi ho" he asked holding my hand

He had started calling me Jaan and shona which always makes my heart skip a beat.

"I have my English exam" I mummbled caressing his face

"All the best baby" he mummers laying on his stomach

"Thank you handsome"

"Meko nind ni ayegi ab" he said

"Arey baba ayegi, close your eyes" I said and he did holding my hand

I knew I still had about 10 minutes before I really had to leave so I caressed his face for a few minutes and I was right, he fell a sleep holding my hand

Carefuly I slipped my hand from his placing one of my little teddy bears which he grabbed right away making me smile. I kissed his cheek and closed the door on my way ut slowly.

I walked to the gym where I had to write the exam, I turned my phone off and began the exam. Ahhh finally!!!

I was free, freedom guys ahahaha until next semester but there is 3 weeks till then so plus we are leaving on out little trip in a couple hours.

Thanking the prof I grabbed my bag and took my phone out, I turned it on while I walked out of the gym. As soon as I put the password in a whole bunch of messages from cabir came in.

'I know you are in your exam but as soon as you get this come home, Manik issn't feeling bad' an hour ago

'Nandini he is freaking out' 45 minutes ago

'Damn it, girl I need you to hurry, he won't breath' 2 minutes ago

I don't even know what was going through my head as I ran home, I ran as fast as I could. I unlocked the door and shut it with a force running up the stairs in my shoes

Manik's door was open so I ran in and saw cabir and navy around him.

"Cabir" I said and he got up running to me

"Nandini he"

I did't even listen to his words, I just ran to the bed sitting beside Manik who was clutching his chest.

"Hey hey it's okay. You are okay" I said and he looked at me

"Nan- nandi-ni" he got out trying to breath

"Yes im right here" hearing this tears made it's way down his cheeks as he closed his eyes

"No, Manik look at me" I said and he shook his head

"Sweet look at me, Manik please look at me"

Hearing my pleads he looked at me opening his eyes

"You are okay, you hear me right" he nodded

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