Friends (pt. 3)

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Wednesday's pov:

As I walk into the dorm I hear Enid crying hysterically.
-"where have you been! I'm literally having a heart attack right now!"
She yells in tears.
"What happened?"
I ask, trying to hide my worry.
-"there was a garlic incident at dinner, now Yoko's in the infirmary and I don't have a co pilot!"
She yells.
-"it was Bianca"
I say without hesitation. I had just heard her tell Xavier her plans.
-"how do you know?"
-"doesn't matter."
I don't need Enid knowing I had over heard Xavier and Bianca's conversation.
-"what matters is I'm your new co pilot"
I say.
-"wait. Your joining the black cats?..for me?"
She says giving me cute puppy dog eyes. I may be heartless but I won't lie, she's so adorable after crying.
-"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in the back of her throat"
I say.
-"right but mostly for me right? Cuz we're friends?"
She says grabbing my hands. I feel my face heat up and I step back to think for a moment. Friends? Did I wanna be friends with Enid Sinclair? Is that why she makes me feel the way I do?
I say, attempting to hide my embarrassment.
-"anyways since I intend to win this thing I'll go add some modifications to the canoe...bye."
I say, quickly leaving the room, my face still burning from what I can only assume to be embarrassment.

Enid's pov:

Currently I'm in such a daze. Last night Wednesday admitted we're friends! I need to win this race, not just for myself but also for her now. I can't disappoint. Wednesday walks over.
-"so what'd ya do?"
-"it's a surprise"
She says.
-"speaking of surprises...your costumes in the tent!"
I exclaimed excitedly.
She asks as her eyes widen in fear.
I say, pushing her into the tent. About five minutes later she steps out. It's a skin tight leather costume, long sleeves and leggings, and of course cat ears. She looks gorgeous. It's hard not to notice but the tight costume really shows off her umm chest.
-"you. Look. Perrrfect!"
I say, mimicking a cat. Wednesday rolls her eyes.
-"wait where are your whiskers?"
I ask, inspecting her face.
-"ask again and you'll be down to eight lives"
She replies looking me dead in the eyes. Most people would be scared or creeped out but honestly it makes me love her more. We get in the canoe and the race soon starts.

We take off quickly. The water splashing against us. Wednesday stares forward in determination the water splashing off her face and the sun shines beautifully off her black hair. Her skin looks so soft, I'm gonna win this for her. No matter what.

Wednesday's pov:

Since last night I've been very distracted. I keep looking at Enid noticing new little things that intrigue me more and more, but right now I need to focus. This is why I don't typically do friends. Finally we reach the island where we need to grab our flags.
-"stay and guard the boat"
I say to Enid as I run off, I'm gonna win this. Not just to defeat Bianca but because Eni- I friend wants to. God it's weird calling people friends.

Enid's pov:

Wednesday left me and Thing in charge of watching the boat but I feel like there's more I can do. Suddenly I get an idea.
-"Thing I need you to distract some jokers for me"
I whisper. Thing hops over to the two boys guarding Ajax's canoe and easily distracts them. As the boys chase Thing into the woods I scratch out the bottom of their Canoe, hopefully Wednesday appreciates this.

Wednesday's pov:

-"taking a cat nap?"
I hear Bianca say, laughing at me. I wake up on the floor, sadly I've just had another vision and I'm running late to return to my team. I hop in the canoe and we take off. A few minutes in one of the other boats starts to slowly sink. Someone had clawed into their boat. I look over to Enid.
-"impressive huh? I just asked myself wwwd. What would Wednesday do"
She says with a bright smile. Finally we manage to sink Bianca's canoe and dock our boat. Enid grabs my hand and we take our flag to the finish line, thus winning the Poe cup.
-"fuck yes Wednesday! We did it! This is the greatest moment of my entire life!"
She exclaims happily, I almost smile. I look at Bianca in the water, dragging her boat to the dock.
-"admit it you kinda got into the whole school spirit right?"
Enid asks excitedly.
-"you didn't tell me it was a vengeful one"
I say with an evil smirk.

Enid's pov:

D-did Wednesday Addams just smile!? Fuck this is too much, my best friend is so hot. Omg Wednesdays my best friend! This really is the best day of my life.

(-are we just gonna let them get away with this Bianca?
-of course not, it's time that bitch and her mutt learn their lesson and I think...I think I know exactly what to do)

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