Moving in: Leo

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You got home from work one you had a bad day because your boss hated you and decided to fire you. When you got home your mom and you got in a fight.

"How dear you quit your job!"

"Mom, my boss fired me and she wanted me gone!"

"Why did she fire you, then!?"

"Because she didn't like how I showed off and how I was related to you. she hated me because of you!"

While you were making your way up stairs, Your mom yelled at you and threw something at you that left a bruise, it hurt a lot but your mom didn't care.

"I'm tired of your bullshit around here get out of my house!"

You grabbed your stuff and went to the lair crying. Leo saw you and he ran up to you and hugged you tight.

"What happen sweetie?"
He said while hugging you then he let lose and you looked up at him.

"My mom and I got in a fight and she kicked me out."

He saw the bruise and looked at you with anger and said,

"Where is she now ?"

"Shes probably at home and can I just move here?"

"Yes of course sweetie, you can just say in my room for now."


You went to his room and got comfy. Leo didn't want you to know how he felt about it, so he was angry all night.

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