Mating season: Leo

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You were sitting on the couch watching Space Heros when Leo came in and sat on the other side of the couch. You looked at him and saw that he was nervous. You scooted closer to him and he scooted away. You got a little upset do you just started to watch tv again back where you were sitting in the first place, that's when he got up and got in front of you.


He started to kiss you roughly. You pulled back and looked at him funny. He then sat behind you and started to kiss your neck up and down leaving trails of kisses.

You moaned.
He then pulled away and ran to his room. You heard him lock his door. You got up and ran after him when you got to the door he cracked and looked out at you nervously. You put your hands on your hips and gave him a death stare.

"What hell Leo, what was all of that for?"

"It's mating season."
He mumbled.
He stepped back about to shut the door until you slammed it open.

"It's what season."


He said a little louder. You walked in and slammed the door behind you.

"Leonardo Hamato, what season, tell me now."

"Mating season."
He finally said it loud enough to were you could hear him. He had guilt in his eyes practically scared to death.

You looked down in guilt to for yelling at him.

"I'm sor-"
He grabbed you and started to kiss again. You pulled away.

"Leo I'm going to be staying at Aprils for a while okay, how long is mating season usually?"

"About a week or two."

"Okay well I'll be home in two weeks, okay?"

He looked down at the floor sadness clouding his eyes.
He sniffled.

"We aren't breaking up okay, this is just temporally, okay, I'm going to Aprils now."

You walked to the door and stopped to look back at him.

"I love you."

He looked up smiling.
"I love you too."

---- 2 weeks later----

You came back to the lair and was welcomed by everyone but Leo. You walked to Leo's room and he wasn't there. You grinned a little bit and walked to your room. you opened the door and saw Leo on your bed. You went up to him and hugged him tight.

"I missed you Leo bear."

He chuckled and looked at you.
"I missed you too."

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