Late surprise: Raph

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Raph picked you up bridal style and brought you to the dojo where you saw everything lit up. The tree had presents under it and lights going from top to bottom.
"Raph it's beautiful."
You said while awing at the sight.

Raph out you down in his lap while everyone pasted around the gifts to everyone else.
"Not as beautiful as you though."
Raph whispered sweatily into your ear making you feel loved. Once everyone got their gifts Raph handed you one he did him self.

You looked up at your turtle and smiled,
"You didn't have to I mean I didn't get you anything Seemings how I was being raped."
He kissed your nose then said,

"Yeah I know, but your in merger need of both of my gifts."
You nodded and opened up the gift.

You saw two twin sias that looked like replicas of the knife that your mother gave you a long time ago.

"I love it but what's so bad about the one I have?"
He looked down as you asked and he felt horrible for what he was about to say.

"When we left Aprils farm house, I had everything but that packed up, I'm really really sorry, I hope you'll forgive me."
You nodded but was a little sad about the whole knife thing.

"Raph, my mom carved that for me and I carried it everywhere I went because it always made me feel safe, knowing it was made by own blood."
You started tearing up but didn't want Raph to see you like this, so you ran into yours and his room then started to cry.

Keely walked up to Raph and patted his shell.
"I'm pretty sure Christmas is about love and caring ness not breaking hearts."

"Thanks Keely for reminding me."
Raph said while rolling his eyes.

After Keely got done talking to him, he went to your room and sat down by you on the bed.
"You do know I love you right?"
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes.

''I know, but hat knife was the only thing I had left of my mom."
Raph pulled you into his lap and you started tear up on his plastron. I he hugged you and buried his face into you hair.
He got up and carried you to the dojo to see master Splinter.

"(y/n) I have something for you from me and the others. They said its valuable in your case."
Sensi handed you a small box with your name written on it. You opened and smiled it was the knife your mom made for you.
"Leo and Fiona went back to pick up everything you guys couldn't bring home due to room in the cars."
You smiled and looked at Leo who was at the door.

"Thank you Leo."
He smiled.

"Your welcome."

You looked back down at your knife then looked back up at Sensi.
"An one more thing, my son has another part to your presents from us."

You turned and looked at Raph. He smirked and looked at his father who gestured you two to go to the training area.
You both got up and walked in there.
He grabbed your hands and held them in his.
"Baby, I'm gonna start training you."
You smiled and jumped into his arms.
You let go and he smiled.
"Raph in gonna head to our room I'm really tired."
He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"See you in a little bit."
You walked to your room and Raph followed behind.

He pulled out his phone and texted Leo who had Fiona in his lap sleeping.

Raph: I'm gonna do it

Leo: and what makes you think you'll
live the rath of Sensi?

Raph: I won't get caught, plus I gotta bring her home later so her aunt doesn't get mad.

Leo: alright bro, I wish you luck and have fun.

Raph looked at his brother and said,
"I will."

Raph got to your guys room and he saw you laying on the bed playing on your phone. He gently grabbed your phone and put it on your night stand then kissed your lips.

"Are you ready?"


Cliffhanger again which I'm sorry about. I will make sure next chapter it's not a cliffhanger.

This is also my part one to the Christmas chapter, hense the name late surprise because Christmas has already past.

See you guys next chapter

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