Back to NYC part 1: Mikey

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Mikey's POV
I woke up to see my beautiful girlfriend getting dressed. Her hair was wet and her skin had a gloss in the light, she must've just got out of the shower.
I got up and walked up behind her, putting my arms around her waist, then I kissed her cheek.
"How was the shower angel?"

"Good, you know who needs one now?"
She said while turning her body to face me.

I questioned looking down at her.
She then grabbed my bandana tails and pulled me down to her level. Then whispered in my ear.

I gasped at those words.

"Remember I'm going on strike until you take a shower with me."
I said Closing my eyes, putting my hands on my hips, and turning my head away from her then sticking my nose up.

Your POV
He hasn't took a shower the whole Time we've been here and I've taken one every other day. His stench is horrible. When he started to pout I just walked down stairs to see three other girls with the guys. Raph had one in his arms while playing video games, Leo brought a girl to the kitchen and Donnie lead one to the barn I guess. I headed to the kitchen to see Leo making toast and the girl sitting at the table.
"Hi I'm Fiona."
She said.

"Hi I'm (y/n)."
Leo came up and sat down by her.

"Where's Mikey?"
Leo asked me.

"Um, hopefully taking a shower."
I said rolling my eyes.
Then out of the blue I asked Fiona,
"How did you and Leo meet?"

"We met at midnight. I was working at my uncle, Marcomi and he walked in.
'Leo San, good to see you, don't mind my niece she's just working.'
'Okay can I get the original please?'
He then looked at me and smiled.
'Your not from around here are you?'
We chatted a little then he gave me his number the smiled.
'I better go, bye Fiona see you soon.'
'Yep bye.'
Then he left.
That's how we met."
She replied happily.

After I said that I went outside to go find Donnie and ask him if there's away to make Mikey take a shower.
When I got to the barn. I saw a tallish brunette with brown eyes helping Donnie.
"Yo Donnie, how can I get Mikey to take a shower?"

"I don't know sweet talk him I guess."
The girl by him turned around and looked at me.

"Hi I'm Keely."
She said giving me a warm smile.

"Hi I'm (y/n), how'd you two meet?"
I asked tilting my head a little bit.

"We met in an alley, purple dragons were beating me up and their leader Fong put a knife to my throat and looked at me, I closed my eyes. Then all of the sudden I was in some ones arms on top of a roof, I opened my eyes and saw Donnie, he smiled and showed his gap tooth, I smiled back at him and I asked him ' how come you saved me?'
He looked down and smiled.
' because I save pretty girls.'
I smiled and looked at him 'thanks anyways what's your name?'
' I'm Donatello but you can call me Donnie or Don.'
I hugged him and he left, but left a paper in my sweater pocket.
That's how we met."

"That's so cute."
I got up after telling her that I was about to go into the house when I bumped into Mikey.

"Hey angel I took a shower."
I could still smell him, he smelt worse.

"No you didn't."
Than I ran inside so I didn't have to smell him any more. Don't get me wrong I love him a lot but that stench though.

When I got inside I sat down on the chair while Raph was watching tv with this other girl leaning up against him. She looked a little shorter than him with long blondish hair and greenish blue eyes.
"Hey I'm Leah."
She said still cuddled up to Raph.

"Hey I'm *pant* (y/n)."

"What's wrong?"
She asked me.

"How'd you guys meet? for one."

"I met Raph while I was fighting shredders henchmen, AKA tigerclaw. I was about to get knocked out until Raph grabbed me and tackled tigerclaw. He ran and Raph hid, I stood up and looked at where he vanished too, I stuck my hand out and he grabbed it then I pulled him into the light. His mouth dropped and I looked at him. ' what never seen a girl before?'
He looked at me and smirked. 'no I thought you were going to scream but looks like I was wrong, chic.'
He told me then grabbed me around the waist.' wow aren't you a player for sort eyes.'
' no your just hot for a turtle like me.'
He gave me his number then left."

"Okay then two, if you had to force him to take a shower what would you do?"

She looked at Raph and then looked at me with a evil smirk.

"Raph get your brothers outside and hold down Mikey."

He got up and walked out to get his brothers.

Time skip........pour Mikey.

Fiona, Keely, Leah, and I had squirt guns and water balloons. Once we saw the guys we all soaked Mikey. When we were done I walked up to Mikey and kissed his cheek.

"This works for now."
Then little turd had a water balloon in his shell and he planted it on my head.

We both went upstairs and planted on the bed.

"That was a good water fight. We are going to be amazing parents someday."

I was to happy to even react to that.
"Yes we will be."

"So who had the idea of a water fight?"

"Leah and Raph."

"Okay revenge is sweet."

And with that we fell asleep ready for the trip tomorrow.

Just a heads up
Remember your 15 so if he's a father in 10 years, both of you will be 25 by then.
Oh and Finally finished the chapter. Man I'm pooped out but Im going to keep going.
Thanks for not giving up guys. I hate this new updated for the keyboard so it might be awhile until the next chapter.
Thank ya.

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