The flu: Leo

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Leo's POV

I've been in the lounge all day and
(y/n) hasn't came out of our room all day. Leah and Raph were in the kitchen talking about god who knows what when I came in and sat down by Raph while Leah was cooking.

I looked at Leah then Raph, Raph looked at me and spoke,
"What's up bro.?"

"I haven't seen (y/n) come out of our room all day and it's worrying me. What should I do?"
Raph looked lost as usual but Leah knew what I was talking about.

"She's probably sick, do you remember what she looked like this morning when you got up?"

"She was really pale."
She just nodded.

"Yeah, Leo, she's sick."
I nodded my head and got up to leave.

When I got to my room I had a trash can and tissues. I opened the door and saw her on our bed still pale as snow.

I put the trash can on her side of the bed and the tissues on her nightstand.
"Thanks Weo."
I heard her say with a frog voice.

"Sshh you need rest."
I crawled into bed with her and pulled her into my chest more. I kissed her forehead then smiled closing my eyes.

"Weo don't kiss me I'm sick, that means you'll get sick."
I kissed her nose and said,

"Well if getting sick is what I gotta do to make you get better, then it's worth it."
She snuggled up to me and smiled.
"I love you Weo-bear."
I chuckled and said,
"I love you too sweet thing."

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