Moving in: Mikey

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Your dad hated how you were never home, you were either gone with friends or you were sleeping then morning you would leave.
He finally got tired of it he went up to your room and woke you up.

"Hey dad what's up?"

"What's up, I'll tell you what's up! Your never home and your mom is always worried sick!"

"Okay, I'll be home at an earlier time. Night dad."

You flipped over and tried to go back to sleep, but your dad flipped you over and pulled the blankets off of you.

"Pack your bags, your out of here!"

"I thought mom is worried sick if I'm gone to long."

"Well now she has to live with it!"

He then threw a bag at you that was packed.

He pointed at your window and yelled at you.

"Get out!!!"

You jumped out of the window and ran to the lair. Half way there you ran into Mikey.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"My parents kicked me out and I have know where to stay."
You said with tears rolling down your face.

"Woah, baby girl I will not let them hurt you, you can stay with me and my brothers, okay.?"
He said as he started to hug you.

You said sniffling into his chest.
He then put an arm around your waist and you both walked to his home.

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