Everything breaks: Mikey

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Your POV

After the guys last mission Mikey's been getting all the blame for everything, I still have a little cold because of the flu, and to top it all off he's been training extra hard with Sensi to relive his stress.

No ones POV

You were sitting on the couch reading your book when you heard yelling from in the dojo. You put your book down a little bit then lifted it back up and started to read again then, being interrupted by the yelling again in the dojo you set your book down and go to the dojo seeing Casey and Mikey yelling at each other. You walked to the wall in the dojo and sat down then watched.

"When will you see Mikey that she doesn't love you!"

"I will never give her up to you!"
At that point you walked out but sat on the other side of the door. You could tell Casey was going to hypnotize Mikey into breaking up with you.

"Mikey what do you think she is in your mind?"
Casey asked a little amused.

Before he could think Casey had a recorder that had all the wrong words in it and you  didn't see it.

"I think she a whore and a bitch that should be given to a circus so everyone can laugh at how hideous she is."
You started to get up and go into the dojo where you saw a furious Mikey and Casey walking out happily.

"So I'm a whore to you?"
You look straight dead into his baby blue eyes which had anger in them.

After Mikey said that, you couldn't hold it in any more.

"Well if I'm the freak out of us then I'm the smart one because there's a bunch of circus that need a talking turtle that's an asshole to other people! Why are we even dating!?!"

"My brothers thought that I could never get a girlfriend so you were my test and looks like I passed!"
You got furious and walked closer up to him.

"Well your wrong because you failed, you failed at keeping me."
You turned around to walk out but he grabbed your wrist and threw you into a wall that had a weapon rack on it.
You landed on your wrist trying to catch your self but failed big time.
Mikey then had tears in his eyes and ran up to you to see if you were okay.

"Angel I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"
You interrupted him in mid sentence.

"I don't want to hear it your dead to me!"
You got up and ran out of the lair with tears running down your cheeks and onto your shirt.

Once you left Mikey fell to the ground crying a river literally, he had to clean the floor with a mop to soak it all up, but anyways he got up and crawled to his bedroom then shut the door and climbed into bed, and he curled up into a ball then sobbed. Fiona and Leah cracked the door and poked their heads in.
"Alright Leah here's the plan-"

"Plan is we walk in and talk to him."
Leah said walking into his room.

She sat by him with Fiona on the other side of him.
"Hey Mikey, what's wrong?"
Fiona asked him rubbing the back of his shell.

"I think I lost the love of my life all because of retarded Casey."
He murmured to them. Leah stood up and marched out to the living where Raph and Casey were chilling out at.

Raph interrupted Leah by putting a hand over her mouth and saying,
"What got you rowelled up, actually don't answer that."

Casey getting nervous said,
"Well I better head home it's pretty late."

"Dude it's only six in the afternoon."

"Yeah well I don't want to miss a show that's on tonight."
Raph shrugged and walked away with Leah on his shoulder.

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