3 months later: Donnie

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Donnie's POV
We've been at Aprils farm house for a while now and (y/n) hasn't came back out of her deep sleep.
I've been watching her day and night hopping for a miracle to happen. I couldn't take it anymore, do I kissed her forehead and went to the barn.

"Hey Casey."
He looked up at me and frowned a little bit.
"Still no sign?"
I felt a tear go down my face as I walked to my corner of the barn.
Then I started to work on a project.
Casey just slid back under the truck he was making.

Your POV
I woke up with a terrible headache and my knee bandaged up. I saw blankets on the floor next to my bed. I sat up and felt a little bit of pain in my in my chest but I ignored it. On a chair next to my bed there was a bottle of pain killers and a glass of water.
Took a swallow of water and the pain killer I started to stand up.
Luckily there was a crutch leaning on the chair, so I grabbed that and stood up. I walked down stairs where Raph and Leo were playing video games and Mikey was watching. I saw April come into the living room and drop what ever was in her hands, the guys turned around and saw me.
"Hey everyone."

"Your alive!"
Mikey said as he ran up to me and hugged me really tight, it hurt but apparently Raph noticed and pulled Mikey off of me.
"So, where's Donnie?"
Leo looked at me and said,
"He's in the barn working on something, but careful Casey's in there too."

"Thanks Leo, and for the heads up."

I got outside and it was beautiful, I could actually live here. I saw a giant red and white building with Casey coming out of it.
"So let me guess, you tried cheering up my boy friend, Casey?"

"No, I tried having a normal convention with him but that didn't work."

"Okay, well tell him to come out here and if he asks why say Leo needs his help."


Casey ran back in and then out came Donnie walking with Casey running to get inside.

"Hey Don, thanks for the pain killers!"
I yelled to him and he looked up.
When he saw me he ran up to me and picked me up.

"I'm so happy your alive."
"I am too."
When he twirled me to face the house, everyone was outside smiling and fist bumping. I guess I do make a big difference with these guys.

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