Date fail: Mikey

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You were sitting on the couch playing on your phone until Mikey picked your phone out of your hands and stuck it on his belt. You got up starring at him with anger rising up your spine.
"What was that for I was going for a new record!?!"

"I want to take you on a date."
He said bending down to your level with his hands behind his shell.

"Take me on a what?"
You asked sorta confused.

"A D-A-T-E, a date."
Your eyes went wide.

"Um (y/n), are you okay, why are your eyes like that?"
He said standing up straight.

"Two reasons,
One, the fact that you can spell and two you want to go on a date, don't you
have patrol?"
He smirked a little and leaned down and whispered in your ear.

"Leo won't know if I skip patrol tonight and nothing bad is happening top side I already checked, and plus Raph did this with Leah."
He walked down to you and started to walk to the surface. You spoke up in Raph's defense while walking.

"Actually I was there when he asked Leo for permission."&
He chuckled okay what ever floats your boat.

When you guys got topside he showed you this beautiful house that once was an abandoned building. The outside was sorta of a faded yellow then the trim was white.
"Wow.........later in the future can we change the color of the house please?"

"Yeah sure, okay inside time, I ordered pizza earlier, it should be here anytime."
You nodded your head while he showed you the place. When you both got to the kitchen he picked you up and put you on the counter.
"You do know that I could've got up here by myself right?"

"Yeah I know but this is more romantic."

Time skip......bruh

You and Mikey were walking back to the lair on the roof tops. Until a group of foot clan surrounded both of you.
Mikey put you behind him and started to fight them off when he was done with that he turned around to give you a kiss but he turned to see you on the ground stone cold. He picked you up and started to run to the lair.
He got there within three minutes but when he put you on Donnie's lab table he was covered in blood.
Donnie patched you up and Mikey went to the living room.
"Mikey she'll be okay, trust us."
Fiona and Keely told him at the same time.
"Well she better and Keely you need to go help Donnie NOW!!!"
He started to get angry until Leah and Raph came in, then he just ran to his room.
"Soooo...can someone explain please?"
Leah looked at Fiona.

"Um...(y/n) got hurt and he's mad at Keely who's taking a break from working on her."
Leah nodded and headed to the lab dragging Raph.
Fiona looked at Keely and asked.
"She will be okay, right?"

Keely shrugged her shoulders and looked at her hands.
"To be honest I don't think so, with how much blood she lost, I don't know."
Fiona came and gave her a hug.
"Everything is going to be okay."

(If you don't remember the abandon building, go back and read special some where.)

Part 2
Part 2 is going to be called
healed hearts
It might come slow so hang in there. And please bare me.

Your injury was being stabbed in the stomach twice by shredder who left before Mikey saw it happen.

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