Everything breaks: Donnie

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Your POV
Ever sense the guys last mission Donnie's had nothing but bad luck,
I'm serious everything he's done either never worked or broke, he's been trying to make a quicker antidote for the flu I still have.

No ones POV
Donnie was in the lab trying to mix a few chemicals until the vail broke, again.
"God dammit! Why won't anything work!"
He slammed his fists on the table and you ran in to see what was going on.

"Donnie your hand, it's bleeding, here let me help you."
You started to walk to him until he yelled.
Donnie with all of his pent up rage and to let it all out and you were there with him.
"Why would I want your help? You never help me anyways, your sick, your a hoe that should be dumped on the side of the road and left to die."

You started to tear up and turn around to leave when he grabbed your arms and turned you around.
"Where do you think your going?"

"I'm leaving because I'm a hoe to you that should be dumped on the side of the road and left to die!"
Next thing you knew you were on top of Donnie's lab table with a broken wrist.

"What's the matter are you going to cry?"
He said angrily.

"Your right I'm going to build myself a boat and cry my self a river so I can float until I hit the sun, I hope you can find a better girlfriend then me because I done."
You yelled getting off the table and running out of the lair crying your eyes out.

After you left Donnie sat in his chair and put his face in his hands.
"What have I done?"

"You just lost your girlfriend and you broke her wrist, was that on your flow chart Don?"
He looked up and saw Leah standing in front of him with Fiona, Raph, and Leo at the door way all smirking. She set a plate of pizza on the table by him.

"Not now Leah."
He spun him self around just to have her spin him back around.

"How'd you guys break up?"

"None of your business."
He was about to turn around again until Leah said,
"Fine, I won't help you get her back you can just try to find another girl that won't scream at your appearance."
She said smirking with her hands on her hips.

"Okay, we broke up because I'm not like Raph were I'll let all of my anger out on the punching bag.."

"Hey, watch it."
Raph interrupted.
Donnie glared at his second eldest brother and looked back at Leah.

"Anyways, I threw her on to the table and it ended up breaking her wrist, then she said,'Your right I'm going to build myself a boat and cry my self a river so I can float until I hit the sun, I hope you can find a better girlfriend then me because I done.' And she ran out crying."

"Hey at least she can rhyme."
Donnie looked up at her and gave her the 'are you serious' look.
Leah shrugged and sat done on the ground.

"I'm here to help you Donnie and Seemings how the other three left I can tell you one thing, Raph liked you two together and I thought you two would go the distance to stay together. Just fight for her please, you two were meant to be together."
After Leah said that Donnie got up happy and smiled.

"Your right Leah, and my flow chart can fix this."
Leah face palmed at what he said then spoke.

"Try NOT to use that, Donnie your romantic I know you are, so use romance to get her back."
He nodded and hugged Leah.


"No prob but you might be hearing a growling turtle behind me."
He looked up and nervously smiled.

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