The flu: Raph

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Raph's POV

I've been training all day getting better and better at it, but I haven't seen (y/n) come out our room. I'm kinda worried about her so I went to the lab where Keely and Donnie were doing their nerd stuff and sat by Don.

"What cha need bro.?"

"(Y/n) hasn't came out of our room today at all, I think she's sick."

Donnie turned towards me with a duh face.
"Well then maybe you should go see."

I started to growl then stomped out of the lab. Fiona and Leo were on the couch making out.

"Hey love birds, rated PG-13 got it."
Leo pulled away from what they were doing and smirked.

"Get a trash can and go to your room."
He scoffed at me.

I grabbed the trash can from the kitchen and headed to my room. When I opened the door I saw (y/n) laying on the bed what looked to me ready to puke. I quickly sat the trash can on her side of the bed, she flung her head over the bed straight to the trash, I grabbed a hold of her hair so nothing got in it.
When she got done puking I got in bed with her and kissed her forehead while holding her close to me.

"Raph don't kiss me!!"
She said coughing.

"Why not?"
I asked her with a smirk.

"If you kiss me I'll get you sick."

"Well if getting sick is what I gotta do to make you get better, then it's worth it."
I said kissing her cheek.

"I love you Raphie."

"I love you too babe."

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