-New School-

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Authors Note: Most of this story is going to be based on the actual show but just more Wenclair. Leave comments if you want. I love reading them and I'll try my best to reply to all of them. There will be switching off and on of different characters povs so bare with me here. This story is strictly sfw(safe for work) and will NOT have any nsfw in it. Disclaimer this is my first story so if you have any suggestions say them and pls be nice! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday's Pov:
I was walking in the halls of my loud and bright school that I was so forcefully put in. I walked to my locker and from afar I could see that it was tagged. I started hearing muffled grunts coming from it as I walked closer.I opened the locker door and not to my surprise my brother, Pugsley, fell out of it, tied up and an apple in his mouth. I crouched down to where he had fallen and I took the apple out of his mouth.
"Who did this to you." I said coldly
"I- I don't know.." Pugsley said stuttering.
"Pugsley I need names." I said as I began to untie him.
"I don't know their names.." He said.
Suddenly I had what my family calls 'Visions' I could see a bunch of boys tying my brother up. I then knew exactly what to do. I stood up and left my brother there lying on the floor.
"I'll have this handled." I said in a stern voice. I reached the pool which is where, Dalton, the dude who put my brother in a locker was having his swim practice with his buddies. I walked up the stairs and he immediately noticed me.
"Hey freak! This is a closed practice." Dalton said loudly so I could hear him.
"The only person who gets to torture my brother is me." I said as I dropped two bags full of piranha in the pool. I slightly smiled as I watched Dalton scream from afar.

-Time skip to when she's in the car on the way to Nevermore-

Wednesday's Pov: I was sitting in my family's car on my way to my new school that I did not want to go to. My mother and father used to go to the school they are sending me to. It's called Nevermore. It's a school for outcasts. Outcasts like sirens, werewolves, vampires, etc. My mother and father met at Nevermore and have high hopes for me to find a love interest that I will marry and become a house wife. I however do not wish for that and will not be falling in love with anyone.

We pull up to the school gates as they open and drive inside. My family gets out of the car and take me to the principal's office. We walk into the office and I see the principal sitting there at her desk. They begin to talk and I don't pay attention unless she is talking to me. I sit there in silence and then I hear the words come out from the principal's mouth. "Let's go meet your new roommate." Roommate!? I don't remember signing up for a roommate! To my sadness we all walk to Ophelia Hall which is the name of the dorm I will be staying in. We open the door and all I can see is one of the things I hate the most. Color. I start to go pale as my bright roommate walks up to me and says,
"Howdy roomie!"
"Wednesday this is Enid Sinclair she will be your new roommate." Ms. Weems, the principal said.
I stayed quiet.
"Welcome to Nevermore!" Enid said as she attempted to hug me. I backed away and stood still.
"Not a hugger. Got it."
She looked at me concerned.
"Are you okay? You look a little.. pale." She asked me.
"Wednesday always looks half dead." My father, Gomez, said.
Enid nodded silently still concerned and possibly confused.
"Uhm well that's your side of the room." She said as she pointed to her left and my right.
"Well I guess I'll start the tour!" The colorful girl said.
I nodded as she walked out the door and I followed her, leaving my parents to stand there.
We eventually reached the hallways and she began to rant on about the schools social status and her blog. I didn't pay attention nor did I care. This girl was far too annoying for my liking.

Enid's Pov: I showed the new girl around the school while talking to her about the school's social status and my blog of course! She seemed kinda on edge, it worried me. After the tour Wednesday went to say goodbye to her family. I walked to fencing class and went to the locker rooms to change into the fencing uniforms. Soon enough Rowan had been beaten by Bianca in a fencing match once again. He claimed she 'tripped' him but I'm not quite sure, I wasn't paying attention. After she had beaten him Wednesday walked in the room with a black uniform just like all of her clothes and personal items. Bianca has started to complain at how she wanted a better competition and of course Wednesday volunteered to fence with her. Eventually just like always, Bianca ended up beating her in the match. The worst part was that Wednesday decided to do a 'military' challenge for the second round. She ended up getting a small cut on her forehead. And was immediately taken to the nurse. After she had left we continued our fencing practice.

Wednesday's Pov: I felt self disgust after losing to Bianca. I had never felt that way before. It was raining outside as I walked out of the nurses office. Suddenly I saw a gargoyle statue. It was about to fall right on top of me. I was hoping it would crush me and kill me but someone tackled me out of the way onto the ground causing me to pass out. The next time I awoke I was in the nurses office and a strange boy sitting in front of me. He began to explain how I had met him before and more about Bianca. He really seemed to like her for he was ranting about her and wouldn't shut up. I left the room without saying anything and headed back to my dorm.

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