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What's up yallsssssss🤪I know some of you might be mad or sad at me for discontinuing this story💀I apologize dearly. Anywaysss🧍I'm gonna do a Q&A✌️Soo ask away! Ask as many questions as you want! I'll try my best to answer them all🤸I appreciate the love on this story even though I won't be writing it anymore! 10k+ reads🤯🥳🥳I always wanted to write a story like 2 years ago but I didn't have the guts to do it because I figured it would be a total flop and that I would be a horrible writer lmao🧍BUT LOOK AT WHERE I AM NOW🥰All thanks to you lovely ppl ofc🫶 Couldn't have done it without you! Like I said I'm doing a Q&A so ask questions! Right now!!!! Ask questions!!👹👹No pressure😘/hj+j ifykwim! Have a good day/morning/night!!!

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