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Wednesday's Pov: I was still sitting on my bed next to Enid reading while waiting for her to wake up. She slowly slid her head from the wall and onto my shoulder. I flinched considering I'm still not used to physical touch. Suddenly still asleep she wrapped her arms around me, I flinched again. I couldn't tell if I was sick or something but my face was getting hot and slightly red. I could hear her heart beat, her heart beat was loud. You could probably hear it from a foot away. It has a certain pattern, it would beat twice then once and twice then once. It went on like that. I was on the last chapter of the book I was reading and she was still asleep. I finished reading soon enough and felt tired. I set the book down next to me. I then laid my head on hers and fell asleep.

Enid's Pov: I woke up and noticed that Wednesday was laying her head on mine as I was laying my head on her shoulder and my arms were wrapped around her. I didn't want to move, but I had no choice. I carefully lifted her up and laid her down. I then tucked a blanket over her and walked to my side of the room. It was typically a school day but the school was having an inspection. I sat down on my bed and played on my phone for an hour.

Wednesday's Pov: I woke up to Enid on her side of the room on her phone. I rubbed my eyes to help me see. I got up and went over to my desk and noticed a note sitting on it. I picked it up and read it. It read 'Meet me in the forest after lunchtime.' it wasn't signed so I had no knowledge of knowing who it was. I decided that I would go. It was 11:30 I immediately got my bag ready and changed into proper clothes.
"I'm going to the forest." I told Enid.
"Okay! Have fun doing your weird creepy shit!" She said.
I stayed silent and left the dorm. I walked to the forest and saw a man in a black trench coat and fedora. He took the hat off and I immediately knew who it was.
"Uncle Fester!" I said smiling for once since I moved to this school.
"Hey kiddo!" He said as he messed with my hair.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I just decided that I would visit you at your new school!" He said.
"Alright then." I said.
"Are there any good food places around?" He asked.
"Well there's a cafe in town called the Weathervane." I told him.
"Sounds great! Let's go!" He said smiling.
"Alright then." I said as I led him to the place.
We got there eventually and went inside. I sat down at a booth with my uncle and Tyler came over to take our order.
"Hello, may I take your order?" He asked us.
"I'll have the usual." I told him.
He wrote it down and then took my uncle's order.
"I'll have a cappuccino!" He said.
"Great." Tyler said as he wrote the order down.
"That'll be out for you in a moment." He said as he then walked away.
A few moments later he came back with our drinks and set them down on the table.
Me and Fester talked and drank our coffee. Suddenly then I saw Enid pass by through the window. She came into the cafe and went to the front desk. I didn't pay attention and continued talking to Uncle Fester.

Enid's Pov: I was at the Weathervane getting a latte to-go when I noticed Wednesday sitting at a booth talking with a bald man. He was very pale. I told Tyler my order paid him and started to walk away. I went towards where Weds was sitting and sat down next to her.
"Hey Wedsy!" I said happily.
"Oh God. First Weds now Wedsy?" She said with a sigh.
"Yup!" I said.
"Who's this Wednesday?" The pale bald man asked.
"Uncle Fester this is my roommate, Enid Sinclair." She said.
"Nice to meet you!" I said smiling.
"Nice to meet you too I'm one of Wednesday's many uncles." He said as he shook my hand.
"I never thought of Wednesday as the friend type of person." He said.
"I'm not." Wednesday said as she rolled her eyes.
"She's not but she kinda has to deal with me!" I said teasing her.
She sighed. She then looked out the window and continued to drink her coffee.
"So what was Wednesday like as a child?" I asked invested.
She then looked at me with her killing death stare. I started to get nervous and sweat. Her uncle started going on and on about what she was like. Wednesday looked out the window the entire time seeming to be uncomfortable.
"Well I gotta get going kiddo." He said as he ruffled her hair.
"Okay." She said with a frown.
He then left and immediately disappeared. I then looked at her. I stared at her for about a minute until she said my name.
"Enid!" She said.
"Huh- what sorry!" I said startled as I looked around the room.
"You're staring." She said.
"Oh- sorry!" I said immediately.
"You know.. you're really pretty!" I said to her. Her face slightly went a very light shade of pink.
"Thank you..." She said possibly flustered or embarrassed.
I attempted to hug her but she pushed me away.
"Awh come on just one hug!" I said pouting.
"No." She said coldly.
"Can I hold your hand?" I asked her.
"No!" She said.
"Aww..." I said frowning.
I then laid my head on her shoulder and she flinched a little.
"Come on we're going back to the dorm." She said as she put a $10 tip on the table.
I stood up and exited the booth. She then stood up and we walked to the bench outside. Ms. Weems then pulled up suddenly.
"Do you girls need a ride?" She asked.
"That would be great thanks!" I said as we got in the backseat of her car. She drove us to Nevermore. We got out of the car and went inside and to our dorm. Wednesday went to her side of the room, changed, and went to bed. I did the same.

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