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Wednesday's Pov: The next day was Thursday. I had awaken from my sleep and a doctor came into the room.
"Alright Wednesday you should be good to leave now!" He said.
"Thank you." I replied.
"No problem it's our job after all!" The doctor told me.
I got up changed back into my normal clothes and walked out of the hospital. I waved at all the nurses and told them thank you. I walked to the phone booth and dialed Ms. Weems. She said that she would be picking me up. Soon enough she arrived and drove me back to Nevermore.
"Well I'm glad you're okay now but you'll have to skip out on the rest of the school day." She told me.
"That works for me." I replied.
"Great!" She said as she drove off to the school.
Eventually we were back at Nevermore and we walked inside. I walked to my dorm and her to her own office. When I reached my dorm I went over to my bed and climbed into it. Finally some silence. I felt relieved that I didn't have to hear that horrid beeping anymore. I decided to sleep more until school ended. I fell asleep and napped for about an hour. I then woke up not being able to sleep anymore. It was 12:30 pm. 'Lord this is going to be a long day.' I told myself. I didn't know what to do so I decided I would sit and hang out in the quad for a bit. I walked out of my dorm and to the quad. No one was there because it was class time. I sat at a table and simply just looked around the area. I couldn't play my cello because of my arm. I had to wait for it to stop hurting and then I could play it. I heard the bell ring and immediately stood up hoping no one would see me. I fled back to my dorm room. Ms. Thornhill, the dorm room manager was standing in the room waiting for me.
"Welcome back Wednesday." She said to me.
"Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome!" She replied.
"You may leave now." I told her as I walked over to my bed.
"Have a good day and night!" She said smiling.
She then left the room and I stood up and decided to take Enid's phone from her bed and listen to the playlist she made me. I put the headphones on and sat out on the balcony. I sat out there until school ended. I heard the door of the dorm open but I didn't really care. I closed my eyes and leaned on the rails of the balcony. The window creaked open and of course Enid came through it.
"Wednesday!" She said brightly.
"Hello." I said in my usual tone of voice.
"I missed you so much!" She said as she walked over to me.
I stayed quiet not wanting to admit I missed her at least a little.
"Is that my phone?" She asked me.
"Yes." I replied to her.
She then hugged me from behind and held me tightly. I didn't move but I flinched. My face started to heat up again. I was only blushing a little. She didn't let go of me.
"Enid." I said coldly.
"Right! Sorry! Still not used to physical touch." She said as she let go of me and moved to stand next to me.
"I'll get used to it soon maybe." I replied.
She then grabbed my hand and led me into the dorm room. I followed her to her bed as she sat me and herself down. I looked confused.
"Turn around I wanna play with your hair!" She said.
"Okay then." I said as I turned around.
She then started unbraiding my hair.
"Holy shit!" She said shocked at something.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Your hair is so soft!" She told me.
"Thank you." I said to her.
"Is your arm feeling better?" She asked me as she continued to unbraid my hair.
"More than yesterday, yeah." I told her.
"Good! You still have to re-bandage it everyday though until it's fully healed right" She asked me as she finished the last braid.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Maybe it'll help you get used to physical touch if you let me re-bandage it everyday?" She asked me as she combed her fingers through my soft hair.
"Maybe." I said.
She started twirling my hair and messing with it. She then came to a stop.
"Can you turn back around?" She asked me.
I turned around to face her.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Can I kiss you?" She asked without hesitation.
I nodded as I started blushing a little bit. I knew that relationships involved kissing but me and her weren't using labels until we were ready. She then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back. She broke the kiss and then suddenly started kissing my face. She kissed my cheek then my nose and up to my forehead. My face went red. I was too flustered to say anything. She stopped and stared at me for a minute. I then heard her laugh lightly. I looked away and down at the floor.
"One more kiss?" She asked me with pleading eyes.
"Fine.." I said.
I grabbed her face and kissed her one last time on the lips. I broke the kiss and looked at her in the eyes. Her face was more red than mine and she began to stutter.
"I- Yo- Uhh-" She tried to say but failed.
She fell backwards onto her bed and then rolled over and screamed into a pillow of excitement. She then sat up and tried to breathe. Eventually she was ok and so was I. She was sitting on her bed and I was laying my head on her lap as she played on her phone. I fell asleep soon enough and so did she.

Authors Note: I know it was kinda soon for her to like magically be healed even though she isn't technically fully healed but idk. If you have any suggestions pls leave them in the comments! Thanks for reading!👍

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