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Author's Note: So there is going to be a ship in the story because it is one of my good friends comfort ship. Most of you most likely won't ship it but I respect my friends'ships because it's NOT minor x adult. The ship is Pugsley x Eugene. It is only a 2-3 year age difference so it's not illegal. If you don't ship it I totally respect your decision. I'm pretty sure Pugsley is 13 years old in the Wednesday show but I'm going to make him 14 just so his age is closer to Eugenes. I'm adding the ship just for him so please don't judge him. If there are any ships you would like me to add tell me in the comments and I'll consider it depending on the ship! Thanks for being supportive! Enjoy this chapter!🐢

Wednesday's Pov: I woke up the next day and Enid was gone. She must've went to class already it was lunchtime anyways. I figured I had slept in. The principal suddenly came to my room with my family. Pugsley ran to me and hugged me almost in tears.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" He said trembling.
"Yeah." I replied.
He let go of me and parents had disappeared. I figured they had went with the principal.
"Well now that you're here I'll introduce you to my other friend." I said to him.
"Also be careful with my arm it's still in pain." I told him.
"Okay!" He said smiling.
I lead him to the quad where everyone was sitting for break time. I saw Eugene and walked over to him.
"Wednesday, Hi!" He said happily.
"Hello, Eugene." I replied to him.
"Who's this little guy?" He asked.
"Eugene this is my brother Pugsley. Pugsley this is my friend Eugene." I introduced them to each other.
"Hi!!" Pugsley said with excitement jumping up and down.
"Hello!" Eugene said brightly.
They started talking on and on and on.
"I'm gonna go find Enid." I told them.
"Okay!" They both said in sync.
They continued talking as I walked away.

-With Pugsley and Eugene-

Eugene's Pov: Me and Pugsley continued to talk as his sister walked away.
"So what's your favorite animal?" I asked him.
"Hmm.. I'm not a fan of animals I like insects better!" Pugsley replied.
"Me too!" I said smiling.
"Really!" He said.
"Yeah! What's your favorite?" I asked him another question.
"Bees!" He told me.
"No way! Me too!" I said brightly and excited.
"I've never met anyone else who likes bees!" He said happily.
"Me either! Other than Wednesday!" I said.
"My sister likes bees?" He asked me.
"Yeah she's apart of our bee group in school. It's just me and her in the group though." I told him.
"I would join if I went to this school." He replied to me.
"Really?" I asked him.
"Yeah!" He said.
"That would be great!" I replied.
"So how old are you?" I asked him.
"14!" He said smiling.
"Oh cool! I'm 16!" I said kindly.
I looked around for Wednesday and she was sitting at a table with Enid and her friends. She wasn't actually sitting at the table she was standing behind Enid like a lurker like she does sometimes. I motioned her to come over and she leaned down and whispered in Enid's ear. She then started walking over here. Soon enough she came over here and I started to whisper to her.
"How would you feel if I dated your brother?" I whispered to her.
"Go ahead. Just not now, get to know him more obviously." She whispered back to me.
"Great!" I said not whispering.
Pugsley then motioned her over to him.

Pugsley's Pov: I motioned Wednesday over to me so I could whisper in her ear.
"What would you say if I dated your friend?" I whispered to her nervously.
"Go ahead. Not yet though for obvious reasons." She whispered in my ear.
"Yay!" I said happily.
She walked away back over to Enid. I started to become suspicious of their relationship.
"Do you think they're dating or something?" I asked Eugene.
"I don't know maybe. They seem closer than usual that's for sure." Eugene said.
"I'll ask her about it later." I said.
"They would make a cute couple don't you think?" He asked me.
"Yeah!" I replied to him.
We started talking again about anything really. I enjoyed his company. I feel like I fell in love too soon considering we had just met. I really hoped he liked me too. An hour later I had to leave and go home.
"I have to go but I hope I'll see you soon!" I kindly said to Eugene.
"Me too! It was nice meeting you!" He said.
"I'll see you another time!" I said as I waved goodbye.
He waved back at me and I walked away.
I said goodbye to my sister but before we left I asked her a question.
"Are you and Enid dating?" I asked her.
"I guess we decided not to put a label on the relationship for now." She told me.
"Cool! I won't tell mom and dad I promise!" I replied.
"Thanks I'll see you another day." She said as she waved goodbye to me.
I waved back at her and got in the car to drive home.

Wednesday's Pov: My family drove away leaving me standing there. Suddenly Eugene appeared behind me.
"So you and Enid huh?" He asked me.
"Were you listening to our conversation?" I asked him.
"No I was just curious." He said.
"We aren't putting a label on the relationship until we're ready." I told him.
"Great okay I won't tell anyone!" He replied.
"You better not." I said coldly.
I walked back over to Enid and stood behind her as always. She talked and talked with her friends. I didn't pay attention to them. Instead I read my book standing behind them. The bell rang for the next class and since I was supposed to be resting for the week to help my arm heal so I walked to my dorm. Enid walked to her next class and I waved goodbye to her and walked to the dorm.

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