-Poe Cup-

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Enid's Pov: We were in our dorms and I was preparing myself for the race. Surprisingly Wednesday agreed to join the race. We walked to the area and where the tents were full of costumes.
"Your costume is in the tent!" I said to Wednesday after exiting the tent.
"Costume??" She said horrified.
"Yeah!" I said.
She walked over to the tent and eventually walked out in her cat costume. (The theme of our team.)
"You look purrfect! Only thing where are your whiskers?" I asked her.
"Ask again and you'll be down to eight lives." She said. A cat joke of course.
"Let's go!!" I said happily as we walked over to the docks.
"Are you ready?" I asked as we started to climb into the boat.
"Yes." She said climbing into the boat.
We all picked up our oars ready to start rowing as fast as we possibly could in hopes of getting ahead of Bianca. Ms. Weems said a speech and then shot the gun that meant it was time to start rowing. We all started quickly rowing our oars and something or someone was pushing one of the teams off route. Wednesday then noticed Bianca had one of her siren friends to push the boat. She released Thing and he swam under water and punched the siren in the face. She then grabbed him and put him back in the boat. We got to the dock on the other side and we all ran to find the flags. I decided to scratch up Bianca's boat while her team was gone. I let my claws out and shredded her boat. Then suddenly Wednesday came running towards our boat with the flag and the other girls. We put the flag on the boat and started rowing back to the other side. We made it to the other side and I didn't even realize it at the time but we won. Everyone started cheering for us.
"Oh my god! We did it! Wednesday we did it!!!" I said with excitement.
"I'm aware." She said as I started shaking her.

Wednesday's Pov: We had one the Poe Cup and Enid was clearly super excited. After changing back into our normal clothes we headed to the quad. Enid walked over to me and began to speak.
"The girls wanna hang out with you." She said as she pointed to our dorm team.
"I'll think about it." I said.
She waved and walked over to the table and they all started talking loudly with each other. I didn't like loud noises and wanted silence so I went to my dorm.
In my dorm I took out my record player and started playing some music most people wouldn't expect me to listen to. I was listening to Taylor Swift. If I had to choose my favorite song she made would have to be 'Mastermind' from her new album. I was doing my daily writing and after I finished I started to feel tired. Instead of getting up and taking a nap I fell right asleep on my desk.

Enid's Pov: About two hours later after everything I went to my dorm and opened the door. I immediately saw Wednesday, she had fallen asleep on her desk. I giggled a little because of this. I then walked over to her and I didn't really want to wake her up. Instead of waking her up I picked her up and laid her in her bed. I tucked her under the covers and went to my side of the room to change clothes. I found some comfortable clothes to wear and changed into them. I was happy. We had won the Poe Cup. This is something I will never forget. I then noticed the music that was playing from Wednesday's record player. It was Taylor swift. The song that was playing was 'Blank Space' it was a good song I'd say. I then stopped the record player so she could sleep in silence. Luckily I had gotten to keep the trophy due to the fact that I was the team leader for the race. I went to my bed and sat in it, typing on my phone. I posted a picture of me and Wednesday in our Poe Cup costumes earlier and put it on my Snapchat story. I started reading people's replies to this and answered whatever they had to say. Suddenly Wednesday woke up and looked around the room.
"Welcome back to Earth." I said jokingly.
She didn't say anything and just simply got some clothes to change into. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. A few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom. My jaw was hanging from my mouth. She had taken her braids out. Her hair was long, and it looked extremely soft from where I was sitting. She looked absolutely beautiful with her hair down. I began to blush without noticing and just stared at her as she walked over to her bed.
"Oh my god. Your hair is down!" I said shocked.
"Yes it is." She said.
"It looks so pretty!!" I said smiling.
"Thank you." She replied.
"Can I touch it?" I asked.
"No. Maybe another time." She said coldly.
"Aw okay." I said pouting.
I then stopped staring at her and went to sleep.

-Next day-

Wednesday's Pov: I woke up the next day. Enid was still sleeping. It was just another normal Thursday like every other. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and braided my hair. Enid hadn't woken up yet so I woke her up so we wouldn't be late. She got ready quickly and we walked to class together.
"I have a question." Enid said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Is there anyone you like!" She asked brightly.
"No. I don't do relationships." I said coldly.
"Aw come on you just haven't met your perfect match yet!" She said.
"Listen carefully, I do not want to fall in love." I said harshly.
"Aw you're no fun." She said.
"Have you told Ajax about the Harvest Festival yet?" I asked her.
"No.." She said with a frown.
"Why not?" I asked another question.
"Because I don't want to tell him that I used to have a crush on him." She said.
"Mhm ok. You're gonna have to tell him eventually." I said.
"I know.." She said still frowning.
We soon reached the classroom and entered it. The class started.

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